Notifier SFP-10UD 10-channel Fire Alarm Control Panel

Manufacture: Notifire
Product code: SFP-10UD, SFP-10UDR

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Product information

The SFP-10UD, SFP-10UDR (Red Box), is a UL listed 10-zone fire alarm control panel with a built-in digital alarm message transmitter (DACT) and upload/download capability far.

Features and benefits

Ten optional Class B (IDC) initiating device circuits, Class A with N-CAC-5X conversion module (requires 2)

 Four 3.0 amps rated Class B NACs, optional Class A with N-CAC-5X conversion module (requires 2)

 7.0 amps total system power

 Up to eight ANN-BUS devices (such as LCD accessories)

 Serial or parallel printer interface

 80 characters LCD display


 Starting device circuit: 10 class B; Class A with optional N-CAC-5X conversion module (requires 2)

 Notification device circuit (NAC): 2 Class B; Class A with optional N-CAC-5X conversion module, each rated for 2.5 amps

 Voice Evacuation Available: Yes, requires direct connection to FireVoice 25/50

 Power: 7.0 amps total system power

 Reporting tools: Yes, up to 8 LCD types

 Printer interface: Yes, serial or parallel

 DACT (Digital Transmitter / Transmitter): Yes

 Built-in display: 80 characters LCD


 UL Listing: S635 File

 FM Approved

 MEA: MEA: 333-07-E

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