Fire Alarm Notifier Gateway BACNET-GW-3
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General Description Fire Alarm Notifier Gateway BACNET-GW-3
- The BACNET-GW-3 provides the interface between the NOTIFIER fire control panel network.
- With Gateway interface, devices on NOTIFIRE : NET Fire Alarm Control Panel are represented as BACnet object for BAC-net client. The user subscribes to Event Notification objects for each FACP, and the BACnet device receives events objects on the FACP as a result of this subscription.
- The BACNET-GW-3 can be connected to NOTIFIRE NET through the network port on any network job control module (NCM). Connected to NOTIFIRE NET, each BACNET-GW-3 can support up to 14 other nodes or 15,000 objects. Multiple BACNET-GW-3s can be used to communicate with larger networks.
Features Fire Alarm Notifier Gateway BACNET-GW-3
• Compliant with AFP-2800 FACP.
• BACNET-GW-3 can monitor up to 14 NOTIFIRE
• NET nodes with a maximum number of combined objects of 15,000 (the number of objects includes all detectors, monitoring modules, message device circuits, etc.).
• Multiple BACNET-GW-3s can be used for large networks (more than 15 nodes in total).
• The PC can be programmed using the BACNET-GW-3 ConfigurationTool, an offline programming utility used to configure the BACNET-GW-3. The configuration tool is used on a compatible computer that is using the Windows® XP OS. with standard and high-speed notifications
Connecting Fire Alarm Notifier Gateway BACNET-GW-3
• The BACNET-GW-3 is connected to NOTIFIRE NET through the network gateway on the network control module to the Gateway.
• The BACNET-GW-3 is connected to the BACnet front panel via a standard Ethernet Ethernet (CN2) connector.
• Information on the BACNET-GW-3 family of products (as requested) including everything necessary to establish an interface to an existing DELECT network or system except the chassis and the Network Control Module ( NCM). It includes:
• PC board for BACNET-GW-3.
• Software on CD-ROM (Configuration Tool).
• Standard Ethernet to RJ45 Ethernet network cable.
• NUP to NUP cable. Additional required components (other vendors):
• IBM compatible PC with Windows XP. • Standard Ethernet network cable with RJ45 connector.
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