Siemens HI720 heat detector (static and differential)

Manufacture: SIEMENS
Product code: HI720

Price of Siemens HI720 Heat Detector (static and differential)
⭐ Origin: China, Genuine import, Original Siemens, 24/7 online support: 0917.911.114


Consulting hotline: 0944934114
Product information

Heat detectors include:

- Point probe with a temperature sensor

- Detection dust cap to protect point probe during construction phase


- For high requirements

- Reliable response behavior for slow and fast rise in temperature, plus low temperature response behavior

- Detection behavior selectable thanks to two sets of parameters Parameter set 1: 'A2S electronic parameters' Set 2: 'A2R' Use : - Suitable for rooms with fluctuating operating temperatures

- In the event of significant dirt or dust or high humidity which may reduce the performance of the standard detector

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