Siemens FC122-ZA fire alarm control panel, 4 8 12 zone fire alarm cabinets

Manufacture: SIEMENS
Product code: FC122-ZA

FC121-ZA / FC122-ZA /FC123-ZA / FC124-ZA Genuine imported Siemens fire alarm control panel , genuine supply, 12 month warranty, online support 24.7 , contact technical advice jutsu


Consulting hotline: 0944934114
Product information

- Compact, microprocessor controlled fire control panel

- Fire control panel can be used as standalone version - 2 or 4 or 8 or 12 zones

- Compatible with Siemens detectors with 110-series / DS11 and Syno-LINE300 / Syno LINE600 range Optional EVAC module, key switch, LED indicator Slot for output card

- Emergency power supply during emergency power up to 72 hours Flexible programming Programmable alarm organization for manned/memory operation

- Events with date and time stamped Simple User Control via navigation menu

- Access key code with the option to replace the kill switch - Easy on-site configuration

Tủ trung tâm báo cháy Siemens FC122-ZA,Tủ báo cháy 4,8,12 vùng

Tủ trung tâm báo cháy Siemens FC122-ZA,Tủ báo cháy 4,8,12 vùng

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