Rapidrop Flow Switch WFDTN ULFM

Manufacture: Rapidrop
Product code: WFDTN

WFDTN Water Flow Detector, flow switch, water flow detector, flow alarm switch very good price UL/FM standard 100% genuine  Quantity supply  Genuine warranty commitment Please contact Contact now 0917 911 114 for free consultation 24/7


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Detailed Description of Rapidrop Flow Switch WFDTN ULFM

Công tắc Dòng Chảy Rapidrop WFDTN (UL/FM)

Flow switches, water flow detectors, flow detectors WFDTN Series System Sensors include a rugged, NEMA 4 rated enclosure that is more resistant to damage than previous metal designs this. The water flow detector is designed for both indoor and outdoor use, with the widest temperature range available, 32°F to 150°F. Both the WFDTN with hybrid timer and the WFDTNRN with instant trigger fit any tee with a 1-in NPT branch, including: 1in., 1¼in, 1in and 2in. NPT threaded metal and brass tees; 1in., 1¼in., 1½in. and 2in. copper tees, CPVC tees. Twelve different clearly marked plastic paddles are available to accommodate different installation configurations. UL standard equipped with tamper-proof screws to prevent unauthorized entry. Internally, two sets of SPDT (Form C) synchronized switches are housed in a durable terminal block with a new layout designed for easy wiring to wire terminals, terminals COM in different heights, large barriers between switches and easy to read textural text all make wiring easy. An optional cap tamper switch is available for secure, tool-free installation. The WFDTN incorporates a mechanical time delay feature, which reduces the risk of false alarms due to increased pressure or trapped air in the sprinkler system. The larger and easy-to-rotate chronograph dial makes setting up the water flow detector easy with high-contrast prints. The dial offers three tabs to help with rotation, with a larger tab located in the position of the dial for about 60 seconds, a bar is also indicated on the dial to locate approximately 30 seconds, helping to position the detector in the position of the dial. low light easily. The WFDTN series is designed for accuracy and repeatability. The detector also offers improved performance during vibration in riser applications where the detector is exposed to large amounts of water.

Dimensions of Rapidrop Flow Switch WFDTN ULFM

Công tắc Dòng Chảy Rapidrop WFDTN (UL/FM)

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Công tắc Dòng Chảy Rapidrop WFDTN (UL/FM)

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