Đầu phun vận tốc vừa chính hãng HD FIRE INDIA đa dạng về chất liệu, góc phun cực rộng, hệ số K phong phú, được sản xuất trong những tiêu chuẩn khắc khe hàng đầu thế giới. Hãy để chúng tôi bảo vệ những thứ quý giá nhất của chính bạn - Một tuyên ngôn khẳng định chất lượng và vị thế của một sản phẩm.
Medium Velocity Sprinkler - GENUINE SPRAY HD FIRE - INDIA is diverse in high-quality materials. Meets strict standards such as UL and FM - Two leading standards in the world to prove to the world that: You are owning equipment good to the best. (Please click here to learn about UL standards and click here to learn about FM standards).
LET US PROTECT YOUR MOST VALUABLE THINGS - that is the motto of HD FIRE PROTECT. Present in more than 60 countries around the world, used in environments that require absolute strictness in the importance of product quality and reliability. Therefore, today, DONATECH is completely proud to bring the best things to you.
► Specifications
For more information about medium-speed nozzles, high-speed nozzles or if you want to refer to our world of nozzles, please click here. Do not hesitate to contact us immediately with the information below so that we can help you protect your most valuable assets. We - here are always ready to serve you like our own relatives. Best regards.
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