FX002SB and FX002DB Low Mode Fire Sirens

Manufacture: Eaton Cooper
Product code: FX002SB & FX002DB

A reliable and proven fire alarm renowned for its durability There are two versions of the conventional low current surface acoustical fire alarm: shallow base and weather resistant deep base, Both are compatible with the Eaton range of conventional fire alarm and notification systems providing clear coverage for emergency evacuations, Out of the box, 32 different alarm tone choices and adjustable volume levels are available. adjustable via the internal volume control. Depending on the selected tone, sound levels up to 105dB(A) can be achieved.


Consulting hotline: 0944934114
Product information

Specifications FX002SB and FX002DB Low Mode Fire Sirens

Model FX002SB FX002DB
Descriptions Low profile surface acoustic horn Outdoor Sound Whistle
Standard EN54 Pt3 EN54 Pt3
Operating voltage 9Vdc to 28Vdc 9Vdc to 28Vdc
Electric used 16mA at 24Vdc 16mA at 24Vdc
Output audio 105dB (a) max (+/- 2) ở 24Vdc 105dB (a) max (+/- 2) ở 24Vdc
Number of negatives 32 32
Operating temperature -25 ° C to + 70 ° C -25 ° C to + 70 ° C
Non-condensing acoustics 0 to 93% RH 0 to 93% RH
Structure PC / AB PC / AB
Color Red Red
Denmision (Dia x D) 93mm x 63mm 93mm x 63mm
Weight 0,24kg 0,3kg
Ip class protections IP54 IP65
Input caple Rear part Rear part
Suitable with Eaton conventional fire extinguishing system Eaton conventional fire extinguishing system

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