Fire alarm cabinet 2 zone 4 zone 8 zone BiWire Flex

Manufacture: Eaton Cooper
Product code: BiWire Flexi

The BiWire Flexi control panel combines two technologies to provide a truly flexible fire safety solution The control panel can be configured to allow two-wire or conventional devices to operate on a single zone .


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Product information

 Each zone can be configured individually, so a mixture of types can be installed on the same system, This gives you the flexibility to utilize all the time-saving benefits of the system. two-wire with the ability to use a wide range of common devices, if needed, It has the same simple, intuitive interface as the conventional 8 Zone control panels, providing a proven solution for programming and maintenance. simple maintenance. The BiWire Flexi fire alarm system is EN54 part 2 and 4 certified and designed to meet the recommendations of BS 5839.


BiWire Flexi . 2-zone fire alarm cabinet EFBW2FLEXI
BiWire Flexi . 4-zone fire alarm cabinet EFBW4FLEXI
BiWire Flexi . 8-zone fire alarm cabinet EFBW8FLEXI


Power specification (2x MB512 batteries required. Battery not included)
Input voltage range 18,75 - 30,7V
Maximum current drawn battery 2,7A
Number of zones (zones) 2/4/8
Equipment for each area BiWire mode: Up to 32 BiWire probes and manual call point, total load including BiWire audio transmitter should not exceed 200mA in alarm Normal mode: Up to 32 conventional probes and manual call points Normal mode: Up to 10 intrinsically safe probes and manual call points
Maximum load per region 200mA
Standby voltage Vmin 19Vdc
Vmax 23Vdc
Alarm zone voltage Vmin 31Vdc
Vmax 33Vdc
Fuse protection per zone 250mA PTC
End of line

BiWire Zone: Only EOLM-3 Standard Conventional Zones: EOLM-1 . Only Intrinsically Safe Zone: Resistor 6K8

Number of Sounder Circuits BiWire Flexi 2 & 4-zone control panel: 2 conventional audio circuits 8-zone control panel: no conventional audio circuitry if all zones are in mode BiWire 8-zone control panel: 2 normal audio circuits if up to 4 zones in normal mode BiWire Flexi 8-zone control panel: 4 normal audio circuits if 5 or more zones are in normal mode
Maximum load per circuit 500mA
Fuse protection on each circuit PTC 500mA
End of line End of line
Fire, error, forward link Type - No Volt, Single Pole Double Throw Rating - 30V DC, 1A Fuse - 500mA PTC
Auxiliary output V - 18.15-30.7V
Imax - 50mA
Fuse - 50mA PTC
Change class Open circuit -Short circuit normal panel operation - Enable all speakers
Repeater port (using this port is outside the range of EN54) Loại -
Nút RS485 - 1
Temperature -5 ° C to + 40 ° C
Relative Humidity (No condensation) 93% +/- 3%
Protection IP class IP30
Weight (battery not included) 2,25kg
Materials PC ABS front and rear
Cable access Drilling position 29 x 20mm - Rear cable slot
Caple type Drilling position 29 x 20mm - Rear cable slot

EN54 Part 2 CIE & Part 4 PSE, BS5839-pt1

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