FDO181, Siemens addressable optical smoke detector

Manufacture: SIEMENS
Product code: FDO181

The FDO181 Wide Spectrum Smoke Detector is an optical smoke detector with an optical sensor
⭐ It works on the principle of forward scattering ,The detector reacts extremely sensitively to light aerosols caused by fire , Increased sensitivity help early detection of smoldering and explosive fires, Origin: genuine Siemens, quantity supply, 12-month warranty, delivery and nationwide technical support


Consulting hotline: 0944934114
Product information

- Smart detector with built-in CPU, providing advanced distributed intelligence for optimal reliable detection principle. Two types of sensitivity settings (standard, sensitive)

- Reliable electronic sampling chamber and more accurate detection

- Automatically resolve settings without encoder or DIP settings The switch is resistant to environmental elements and interference such as dust, fibers, insects, humidity, extreme temperatures, electromagnetic interference, eating wear, vapors, vibrations, synthetic aerosols and atypical burning

- All warning indicators visible via FD18-Bus, polarity-free communication FDO181

-Addressable optical smoke detector: is a smart smoke detector, integrated with a central processing unit (CPU), receiving and processing smoke according to a smart algorithm.

FDO181: Using photosensitive technology.

- Automatic addressing by ID number, no need for address setters or switches for addressing.

- Non-polarized connection for easy installation.

- Two-level sensitivity: Standard-2.5%, Sensitive-1.8%.

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