Yun Yang voice fire alarm cabinet YEP-2-250W

Manufacture: yunyang
Product code: YEP-2-250W

- Multilingual content With built-in fire alarm (in Mandarin and Taiwanese). Multi-layered or unique speech sounds can also be ordered as needed. - A full set of optional accessories and functions are available CD, Tape, Radio, telephony broadcast interface, timed chime device, high level audio input, RS232 communication protocol interface, on/off business ringer, magnetically controlled microphone remote or auxiliary device; It can also be combined with emergency telephone control, with a full set of accessories and optional functions available.


Consulting hotline: 0944934114
Product information


Area number Wattage Height (mm) Width(mm) Depth(mm)
All K/v 100W-150ww 400 300 120
All K/v 200w-250w 400 300 160
All K/v 300w-800w 450 480 180
50L-10L 100-150w 400 300 120
5L-10L 200w-250w 400 300 160
5L-15L 100w-800w 450 480 180
20-30L 100w-800w 600 480 180
35L-50L 100w-800w 850 480 180
55L-70L 100w-800w 1020 480 180
75L-130L 100w-800w 1350 580 180

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