VLF-500,VESDA LaserFocus VLF Tubular Smoke Detector

Manufacture: vesda
Product code: VLF-500

Xtralis' VESDA VLF
⭐ is an aspirational smoke detector ideal for small, business-critical spaces, Available in two VLF-500 models covering up to 500 m2 (5,380 sq. Ft.) .


Consulting hotline: 0944934114
Product information


- Out-of-the-way installation and operation

- Ultrasonic airflow sensor

- Laser based absolute smoke detection

- Design of prefabricated pipe network

- Programmable alarm threshold

- Clean the air optical protective barrier

- Instant identification display

- Instant Error Finder™

- Smoke AutoLearn™

- AutoLearn™ . Traffic

- Service doors

- Logging of multiple events (in separate logs), up to 18,000 events

- Offline/online configuration capabilities

- Xtralis VESDA VLF is a cost effective solution for areas such as:

- Local telecommunications switchboard

- Air handling units

- Smaller server room

- Repair facility

- Control room

- Utility control center

+ Move room

- Railway signal center

- Storage facility

- Cabinet

- Danger zone (Class 1 Div 2)

- Substation

Standard certification

- UL


- FM



- VdS


- ActivFire

- CE - EMC và CPD


- FM Hazardous Places: Suitable for Class 1, Division 2, Group A, B, C and D

- EN 54-20 (VLF-250)

Type A (12 holes / 0.12% obs / m)

Type B (12 holes / 0.35% obs / m)

Type C (12 holes / 0.80% obs / m)

- EN 54-20 (VLF-500)

Type A (30 holes / 0.05% obs / m) Type B (30 holes / 0.15% obs / m)

Type C (30 holes / 0.32% obs / m)

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