VK176 Quick Response Dry Viking Nozzle
Ultra-fast response nozzle type VK176 Belongs to the Quick-response series, the dry nozzle type is often used in freezing places 12 months warranty 100% genuine Viking Contact us now at 0917911114, please Answer all your questions
VK176: The Rapid Response Dry Viking Nozzle is a heat sensitive nozzle suitable for use in frozen areas. The nozzle is designed for dry sys-temps and preaction systems where it is necessary to prevent water or condensate entering the drop nipple prior to sprinkler operation.
VK176: Quick Response Dry Viking Nozzles are installed in frozen spaces and powered a wet system in an adjacent heated area. Quick Response Dry sprinklers are available in different finishes and temperature ratings to meet design requirements. Special coatings of Polyester and Electroless Nickel (ENT) have been studied for installation in corrosive environments and are listed/approved as corrosion resistant.
Specifications VK176: Quick Response Dry Viking Nozzle
- Minimum operating pressure: 7 psi (0.5 bar)
- Maximum working pressure: 175 psi (12 bar). Factory tested compressed air to 100 psi (6.89 bar)
- Thread size: 1 NPT or 25 mm
- BSPNominal K-Factor: 5.6 US (80.6 meters) for all listed and approved lengths. Measurement of the K-factor displayed is when measuring the pressure in the bar. When the pressure is measured in kPa, divide the K-factor by the factor displayed by 10.0.
- Bulb liquid temperature rated as -65°F (-55°C) Protected by the following US Patents: 8,636,075
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