TX7812 Tanda fire alarm monitoring software

Manufacture: Tanda
Product code: TX7812

Easy to use, effective fire alarm software  Dongle Activation Lock , Automatically display all types of events like Fire, Pre-alarm, Action, Monitor, Disable and Fault in other colors together. , Display full equipment details, alarm time and location and directly save the maintenance record folder. , Multiple users can monitor and control at the same time , Support panel remote control , Support common toolbar for quick operation , Support up to 8 customer users


Consulting hotline: 0944934114
Product information

Descriptions TX7812 Tanda fire alarm monitoring software

The graphical display device software consists of two parts, the server and the client. The server acts as a bridge between the controller and the client, mainly used to manage the communication between the client and the controller, set the user rights, verify the legitimacy of the user and the user profile credentials, and controller connection status. The client is mainly used for the device to be uploaded by the controller. It is displayed in real time and system operation information and logs.

- The GMC Software Activation Dongle is a USB that acts as a primary trigger, the GMC software is included in the download email that was sent when the purchase was made. After the software is installed, plug in the USB in the machine, the host software should read the code straight and now activate. The keys must be kept in the machine at all times to keep the server running. For any questions or concerns, please contact the TNA distributor directly.

TX7812,Phần mềm giám sát báo cháy Tanda

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