Sprinkler outdoor fire sprinkler system

Manufacture: Hàn Quốc
Product code: Sprinkler outdoor

used outdoors, has many advantages of fire fighting space, genuine supply, 12 month warranty, nationwide delivery


Consulting hotline: 0944934114
Product information

The sprinkler system outside the house is designed according to fire protection standards, including the following equipment:

1. Fesco nozzles and nozzle cabinets are designed for fire fighting systems including nozzles and nozzles. There is a fire alarm function in the upper part and contains the nozzle and nozzle in the lower part.

Sprinkler outdoor fire sprinkler system

2.Fasco angle valve FIH 40, FIH 65 are specialized valves used to connect to water pipes in indoor fire cabinets and used to discharge water in case of fire. Help firefighters do firefighting work faster.

Sprinkler outdoor fire sprinkler system

3. Nozzles and nozzles

Sprinkler outdoor fire sprinkler system

4. FHY 150C and FHY 150D fire hydrants are imported genuine Fasco, installed and used for large buildings and large urban areas.

Sprinkler outdoor fire sprinkler system

5. Installation diagram of the sprinkler system for fire fighting outside the house Sprinkller

Sprinkler outdoor fire sprinkler system

Dong Nam Fire Fighting Company is the most prestigious importer, consultant & installer of fire fighting systems on the market today in terms of price and product quality. If you need advice & installation, please contact the hotline: 0917 911 114 or you can refer to other gas fire fighting systems here.

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