Automatic sprinkler fire extinguishing system with clean gas

Manufacture: Hàn Quốc
Product code: Automatic sprinkler

Used in kitchen system, office, imported genuine, UL FM standard, free consultation


Consulting hotline: 0944934114
Product information

1.The automatic sprinkler fire extinguishing system with clean gas is designed to be more environmentally friendly, the system uses clean gas for fire prevention and is guaranteed according to Korean fire safety and environmental protection standards. Country and United States. The clean gas is produced and distributed by world-renowned proprietary gas manufacturers, Fike Coporation and Paradise.


Automatic sprinkler fire extinguishing system with clean gas

- Fire extinguishers, fire cabinets are designed to display all parameters and performance to ensure the safety of customers' lives and properties in an optimal way in operation.

- Advantages: can be installed in limited space areas, still ensuring effective fire fighting. This is the perfect product of Paradise to bring peace of mind to customers in igniting fires.

2.Basic features of clean air

a. Clean air produced by DUPONT

b. Achieve high efficiency in fire protection.

c. The model is adopted the PBPK open application.

3.Features of automatic sprinkler fire extinguishing system with clean gas

a. Use UL and FM programming.

b. Suitable fire protection equipment.

Automatic sprinkler fire extinguishing system with clean gas

4. Clean air system

The type of clean gas used in the system ensures the requirements of environmental protection, when used to ensure human life.

5. Automatic fire extinguisher feature

Cabinet type fire extinguishers are designed to ensure safety for fire fighting and protect people and property. The parameters are fully displayed to ensure the accuracy of safety performance.

- High economic efficiency

- Neat exterior

- Performance-oriented design

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