Shilla Dry water tank

Manufacture: Shillafire
Product code: Trụ tiếp nước Khô Shilla

Shilla dry fire hydrant structure: high-grade anti-corrosion material  High quality paint, standard fire protection 100% genuine CO and CQ certified,


Consulting hotline: 0944934114
Product information

Shilla dry hydrants are installed around residential areas or other places to quickly supply fire fighting water in the event of a fire. Shilla dry hydrants are like an outdoor fire hydrant designed to open and close. above ground by connecting to an underground pipeline. When the valve is opened, water for extinguishing is supplied through the discharge port, and when closed, the water inside is automatically drained. It is produced in a structure with no risk of freezing. Pump connectors and large 6 cylinders are installed mainly on plant facilities such as petrochemical complexes There are 3 hose and 4 way connections that can be fitted with water guns. Fire hydrant with opening and closing display which can check the opening and closing conditions is also generated. The medium size 6 tips includes 3 WAY and 4 WAY, and the small size 4 piercing includes 2 WAY for convenience and fast. A wide range of valves are available for attachment and 4-way valves and firearms and nozzles.

+ Types of dry water tanks Shilla

1) Large 6-level fire hydrant: a. 3-door, 4-door type/closed water gun b. General 3-door, 4-door 2) 6-level medium fire hydrant: 3-Door, 4-Door 3) Small fire hydrant 4 levels: 2-door (horizontal, 15 degrees) + Features

1) The main parts are made of materials with excellent corrosion resistance, so they have long durability and smooth opening and closing operation.

2) Structured that can withstand pressure up to 50Bar, so there is no deformation or damage even under high pressure or impact.

3) It is made of a screw type and a flange type which can be used for different purposes.

4) Epoxy coating and electrical coating on the inside of the fire hydrant to prevent aging or fire water caused by corrosion. Pollution has been minimized.

+ Valve operation to open and close the door of the dry water cylinder

Trụ tiếp nước Khô Shilla

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