Rapidrop Nozzle Horizontal Wall Direction UL FM RD203

Manufacture: Rapidrop
Product code: rd203

Rapidrop Nozzle Horizontal Edge Direction (UL,FM) RD203, Quick response, Pressure 12.1 bar (175 psi), K = 4.2, -Made in the UK
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Detailed Description of Rapidrop Nozzle Horizontal Edge Direction RD203 (UL,FM)

RD203 horizontal wall sprinkler automatic water spray of compressible welding type, decorative nozzle, low profile, mounted sprinkler. The sprinkler's frame and cover conceal the Deflector and Valve Cap assemblies. Model RD203 is designed for use in residential areas such as houses, apartments, dormitories and hotels.


RD203 : Đầu Phun Rapidrop Ngang Hướng Cạnh Tường (UL,FM)


Aesthetically so as a good first choice, they should be used in wet pipe civil sprinkler systems for single and two-family homes and NFPA 13D manufacturers; wet pipe civil sprinkler systems for residential properties up to and including four stories in height per NFPA 13R; or, wet pipe sprinkler systems for residential portions of any capacity per NFPA 13. The RD203 K-factor 4.2 (60.5 LPM/) K-factor Horizontal Nozzle provides very low design flow rates at reduced residual pressure, allowing for smaller pipe sizes and water supply requirements.

The Model RD203 flush design features a detachable escapement bracket that provides a total of 3/16 inches (4.7). This adjustment reduces the precision with which the fixed pipe falling to the sprinkler must be cut to ensure a perfect installation. Model RD203 is designed with heat sensitivity and water distribution characteristics proven to help control residential fires to improve the chances of residents escaping or being evacuated. However, civil fire sprinkler systems cannot substitute for intelligent fire safety awareness or building fire safety as required by construction.


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II. Specifications of Rapidrop Nozzle Horizontal Edge Direction RD203 (UL,FM)

- K-factor 4.2

- Response : Quick response

- Maximum working pressure 12.1 bar (175 psi)

- Links are easy to link

- Temperature rating 72°C (162°F) Vertical adjustment 4.7 mm (3/16")

- Sprinkler and Ecutcheon Finish - White, Black, Chrome Custom colors available on request

- Standard: UL listed


III. Advantages of Rapidrop Nozzle Horizontal Edge Direction RD203 (UL,FM)

Easy to install Due to the protective cap's innovative design elements.

• The unique protective cap allows the tip to be installed without removing the cap, protecting the tip during the entire installation

• The tolerance limit to the ceiling is clearly marked on the protective cap and small bumps are added to the head so that it can be fastened with just the right tension.

• Can be installed with Cap on

• Cap has a custom opening for the socket to allow for seamless installation

Save time

• Save the two steps of removing and then reinstalling the cap multiplied by the total number of sprinklers in the job.

• It doesn't take longer to secure the helmet to the head with masking tape.

• No more wasting time and money going back to the job site to secure flimsy hats if they fall off.

• Less time, less labor and less room for error equals more profit for the contractor.

Safety Features

• Rapidrop Sprinkler Heads also provide a safety feature as the sprinkler deflector and fragile internals are protected the moment they are packaged at our manufacturing facility until they are ready. sieve is trimmed.



RD203 : Đầu Phun Rapidrop Ngang Hướng Cạnh Tường (UL,FM)

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