OSID-DE, Visual Smoke Detector

Manufacture: vesda
Product code: OSI-10, OSI-90, OSE-SP, OSE-SPW, OSE-HPW, OSE-HP-0

⭐ Open Area Imaging Smoke Detector (OSID) provides beam smoke detection technology, By using Using advanced dual-wavelength beam and optical imaging technology for early warning smoke detection, OSID provides a low-cost, reliable, and easy-to-install solution for overcoming beam detection problems typical problems such as false alarms and alignment difficulties.


Consulting hotline: 0944934114
Product information

- Maximum detection range 150 m (492 ft) for OSI-10

- Maximum detection range for CPR approved products is 200 m (656 ft)

- LED dual wavelength based smoke detection

- Optical imaging with CMOS imaging chip

- On-board event log for fault diagnosis and alarms

- Tolerance to false alarms due to construction movement

- High resistance to dust, water vapor and ingress of solid objects

- Easy alignment with large adjustment and viewing angle

- No need for precise alignment

- Tolerance of drift

- Auto start in under ten minutes

- Simple DIP switch configuration

- Simple and easy maintenance requirements

- Three selectable alarm thresholds

- Status LEDs for Fire, Problem and Power

- Common alarm interface for simple fire system integration

- Large, open spaces where highly sensitive detection is not a priority but reliable, easy detection is essential, including:

- Airport

- Train station

- Mall

- Stadium

- Hotels, convention centers and office buildings/complexes

- Entertainment venues

- Warehouse and production floor

Standard certificate - UL - ULC - FM - CE - EMC and CPR - VdS - ActivFire - BOSEC - NF (AFNOR) - VNIIPO

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