Naffco 4 ways Water Throttle NWR 115 and NWRX 115

Manufacture: Naffco
Product code: NWR 115 & NWRX 115

Naffco 4-door water intake throat (NWR 115 & NWRX 115) is a fire valve type 100% genuine Quantity supplied Guaranteed genuine  Please contact 0917 911 114 for free consultation 24/ 7


Consulting hotline: 0944934114
Product information

The Naffco 4-way Water Throttle (NWR 115 & NWRX 115) is suitable only for installation on dry risers, in a building for fire purposes, equipped with a fire brigade access level input connection and outlet connections at designated points, usually dry but capable of being charged with water the fire apparatus pump. Inlets made to comply with BS 5041 PART-3:1975 include male instantaneous connections compliant with BS 336:2010, relief valves comply with BS 5154 non-return valves, PN16. The inlets and its accessories are suitable for a normal working pressure of 10 bar. Naffco 4-door Water Throat Specifications (NWR 115 & NWRX 115)

Họng Tiếp Nước 4 cửa Naffco (NWR 115 & NWRX 115)

Naffco 4-door Water Throat Specifications and Features (NWR 115 & NWRX 115) BSI Kitemark & LPCB . Certification Material : in spherical graphite cast iron ( Ductile iron ) to BS 1563: 2011 Inlet connection and non-return valve material made of copper alloy with BS 12163:2011 Each inlet connection is equipped with a one-way valve and a spring loaded mushroom Each bend inlet is painted RED inside and out

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