Hochiki 2019 price list, Hochiki address fixed exit light 16M

Manufacture: Hochiki
Product code: 16M

16m LED addressable visible exit light with flexible hinge solution The exit light's hinged cup holds backup electronics and batteries and allows the unit to attach to the EL-mount base- Hochiki's TSB  This cup also features a two-color status LED indicating charge/fault status (green for charging, red for failure), approved for AS2293. Alarm hazard lights / smart exit lights are available. Please contact us


Consulting hotline: 0944934114
Product information

- Compliant with AS2293

- Available in 16 meter and 24 meter models

- LED status indicator light

- Hinge to fit any surface angle

- Built-in backup battery Li-Po

- Fix Hochiki experimental switch base (EL-TSB)

- Inbuilt adapter tunnel (EL-REC20)

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