Fivalco dry outdoor fire hydrant DBH2013-114

Manufacture: Fivalco
Product code: DBH2013-114

Price of Fivalco outdoor fire hydrant : 15,590,000 VND Quotation of D65 2-door fire hydrant Construction of fire hydrant 3-door outdoor fire hydrant Catalog of outdoor fire hydrants Catalog Ministry of Defense fire hydrant stainless steel structure high-grade epoxy anti-corrosion paint UL / FM standard


Consulting hotline: 0944934114
Product information

SKU: DBH2013-114 (flange)

SKU: DBH2013-114 (MJ)

FEATURED - AWWA C502 . compliant valve

- Working pressure 250PSI (17.2Bars .)

- Working temperature 0.6°C to 52°C

- UL/FM . standard

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