Diesel Engine Pump KFP4R-UF08 UL FM

Manufacture: Kirloskar
Product code: KFP4R-UF08

Diesel Engine Pump KFP4R-UF08 (UL/FM) - Fire Pump - Kirloskar Pump - Diesel engine pump imported India - UL/FM standard
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Product information

Detailed description of KFP4R-UF08 DIESEL Engine Pump (UL/FM)

Máy Bơm Động Cơ DIESEL KFP4R-UF08 (UL/FM) - Máy Bơm Chữa Cháy

KFP4R-UF08 is a 4-cylinder, naturally aspirated engine, providing 3 different power lines as follows:

Máy Bơm Động Cơ DIESEL KFP4R-UF08 (UL/FM) - Máy Bơm Chữa Cháy

- Engine manufacturing: KOEL
- Engine type: DIESEL
- Rotation: 2800 RPM/min, 2900 RPM/min, 3000 RPM/min
- Engine power HP (kw): 77hp, 76ph
- Standard: UL/FM
- Origin: India
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