Asul low pressure CO2 fire extinguishing system

Manufacture: Asul
Product code: kết nối GPS qua khe USB

® series low-pressure, carbon dioxide system is ideal for high-volume dealer-requiring non-occupying fire hazards with limited storage space, A single bulk tank can store Storage of 3.75 to 46 tons (3,402 to 41,730 kg) of carbon dioxide, maintained in a ready state, fireproof allows the system to provide efficient distribution of the agent on demand. This system offers multiple discharges between charges as an economical option. Liquid carbon dioxide is stored in an ASME coded pressure vessel equipped with a separate refrigeration system. Valve control is electro-pneumatic or manual. Each valve stem and selector assembly consists of a ball or butterfly valve, a spring return pneumatic actuator and a three-way actuated solenoid valve.


Consulting hotline: 0944934114
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Descriptions Asul low pressure CO2 fire extinguishing system

Typical hazards covered by carbon dioxide systems include printers, transformer/electrical cabinets, open pits, dip tanks, rolling mills, ovens, coating machines, process equipment, systems flue gas and fume handling, flammable gas or liquid storage areas, generators, and inert applications. System additional features:

- Sliding base for easy handling with forklifts

- Automatic or manual protection - Suitable for Class A, B or C . fires

- UL listed/approved release console

- FM approved - 1000 and 1500 lb CO2 tanks (454 and 680 kg)

- Hydraulic flow program for pipeline design

- Control valve operating on 24 VDC

- ASME coded inner vessel does not require routine hydrostatic testing

- The design allows the tank to be filled in place Liquid level and pressure gauges allow on-site service, eliminating the need to weigh each cylinder

- Meet the requirements of NFPA 12

- CO2 distribution is done through a discharge valve, a selector valve or a manual pipeline arrangement

- Hand pipe can be supplied a separate low pressure storage unit

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