Central fire alarm cabinet 1 loop 252 address FC1820-A1

Product code : FC1820-A1,S54420-C1-A1

FC1820-A1,S54420-C1-A1 combined Hochiki smoke detector, Horing heat detector, viking nozzle, effective fire extinguishing, genuine supply, 12 month warranty, contact 0917.911.114

Consulting hotline: 0944934114
Product information

Descriptions Central fire alarm cabinet 1 loop 252 address FC1820-A1

- FC-1820-A1 controller can connect up to 252 points.

- Up to 32 controllers can be connected to FC1820 and FC1840.

- 8 interlocking function channels for automatic control and manual operation of control devices.

- 1 NAC channel for visible and audible devices (up to 0.5A @ 24VDC).

- 2 programmable input/output channels (Output: 40mA @ 24VDC, can be programmed as common alarm output or common fault output; Input: dry contact)

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