1-ways and 2-ways water pole SPH-SP-01 and SPH-SP-02

Manufacture: Newage
Product code: SPH-SP-01 và SPH-SP-02

Compliant with BS 336
⭐ ,Construction : Aluminum , Input: Threaded BSRT (F) ,Output: Instant female according to BS 336 ,Working pressure: 150 PSI / 10.5 Kg/cm 2 , Body check: 325 PSI / 22.5 Kg / cm2 , water tank price: 0917 911 114


Consulting hotline: 0944934114
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Model Descriptions
SPH-SP-01 Aluminum body with a single faucet outlet
SPH-SP-02 Aluminum body with double faucet socket


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