What fires do dry powder fire extinguishers put out?
Depending on the nature and characteristics of each fire, people divide fires into different types. Including fires of class A, B, C, D... So which fire does a dry powder fire extinguisher extinguish? Let's see together.
Dry fire extinguishers are one of the best fire protection equipment available today. However, which fires do dry powder fire extinguishers put out? The following article will help you answer the above question. In addition, there are many other useful information waiting for you to discover.
What fires do dry powder fire extinguishers put out?
What fires do dry powder fire extinguishers put out?
Depending on the nature and characteristics of each fire, people divide fires into different types. Including fires of class A, B, C, D... So which fire does a dry powder fire extinguisher extinguish? Let's see together.
Class A fire
Class A fire
Class A fires are the most common and frequent type of fire. Combustible materials are materials such as wood, paper, silk, fabric... Based on the nature and characteristics of this type of fire, there are many ways to deal with this type of fire. This includes a dry powder fire extinguisher.
When spraying dry powder at the base of a class A fire, the dry powder encounters high temperature and decomposes to produce CO2 and water vapor, which CO2 is a substance that does not maintain combustion, so it has the effect of extinguishing the fire.
Class B fire
Class B fire
Any fire that originates from materials that are liquids, gases and solidified liquid materials... is called a class B fire. This type of fire usually occurs in industrial parks and houses. refinery, petrochemical, substance and gas.
To be able to quickly extinguish this type of fire, the best way is to isolate the flammable substance from the oxygen. And of course dry powder fire extinguishers are a useful choice in this case. Because completely dry powder can separate Oxygen from combustible material.
Class C fire
Class C fire
All fires related to electricity and electrical equipment are classified as class C fires. The cause of C fires is usually due to overloading the power source or using improper tools and equipment. way, loss of electrical safety.
To put out fire C should use chemicals that do not conduct electricity. And dry powder fire extinguisher is an extremely wise and effective choice.
Class D fire
Class D fire
Class D fires are fires in which combustible metals such as K, Mg, Al, etc. The place where fires involve metals are usually in laboratories, research centers, etc.
To be able to quickly extinguish this type of fire, using a dry powder fire extinguisher will be effective. Because the decomposition reaction of the dry powder will quickly occur and completely isolate the oxygen and lower the temperature, extinguishing the fire is very effective.
Class E Lửa Fire
Class E fire is a flame that originates from flammable materials such as vegetable oil or animal fat in cooking. This is a potential danger for those who are working as cooks in large hotel restaurants.
To prevent class E fire, you need to use animal oils and fats properly. When cooking, never expose oil or fat to fire or high heat. Only then can fire and explosion prevention with class E fire be prevented.
Class E fires
Class E fires
Similar to Class E fires, Class E fires are fires where the fuel used in cooking is grease. This type of fire is extremely common due to the environment using a lot of grease and high temperatures to cook foods.
For extinguishing fires E, wet chemical extinguishers should be used. This is how it will be more effective. You can also use dry powder extinguishers to deal with E fires. However, it is not as effective as wet chemical extinguishers.
Conclusion: So you have the answer to the question: Which fire does a dry powder fire extinguisher extinguish? We hope that the above article has brought you useful information in fire prevention. If you need advice or buy fire protection equipment, you can visit: / or contact directly at the address at the end of the article:
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