What does the fire protection system in the apartment include


Fire alarm system in high-rise apartment buildings, what equipment does fire protection in the apartment include? we need to meet 5 requirements for fire protection equipment (fire protection equipment in apartments)

What does the fire protection system in an apartment include? to ensure fire prevention and fighting in apartments with a large number of residents and life safety. Please refer to Dong Nam Fire Protection Company.


Hệ thống phòng cháy chữa cháy tại chung cư gồm những gì

Hệ thống phòng cháy chữa cháy tại chung cư

1. Equipped with an automatic fire alarm system For corridors and apartment basements, automatic fire alarm systems must be installed, and gas detectors in kitchens must always be in good working condition. helps ensure timely and effective fire alarm.

2. Automatic fire suppression system The installation of automatic fire suppression systems is a mandatory condition. They include sprinkler systems, pipeline systems, and fire water pump systems designed and operated according to regulations on fire safety in high-rise buildings. floor. Indoor fire-fighting water supply systems and outdoor fire-fighting water supply systems must comply with the regulations of QCVN 06:2021/BXD and ensure the following requirements

: - When there is no outdoor fire-fighting water supply system or the fire-fighting water flow and pressure (pressure head) cannot be guaranteed, there must be a reserve water source to ensure the fire-fighting water flow of the outside fire-fighting hydrant system. indoors for at least 3 h;

- Houses with a fire protection height greater than 50 m must have a fire hydrant for the fire fighting force arranged on each floor, the furthest apartment door on the floor must be within 45 m from the fire hydrant (including math to the route of travel). The waiting throat must be placed in a fire-resistant buffer compartment (the buffer compartment of a smoke-free stairwell or the buffer compartment of a fire-fighting elevator). The fire-fighting water supply hydrant system for firefighting forces must have a hydrant installed outside the house to receive water from vehicles or fire pumps and be connected to the fire-fighting water supply pipe in the house. Waiting throat must satisfy current regulations;

- Indoor fire hydrants must be located in places that are easy to access and use. The required flow rate of the indoor fire hydrant system is taken according to the selected technical standards, especially for houses with a fire protection height of over 50 m and a floor area of each floor greater than 1,500 m2. Residential floors must ensure fire fighting water flow for at least 4 fire sprinklers, each spray has a flow rate of 2.5 L/s within the calculated fire fighting time but not less than 1 hour. Each point of the floor must ensure that there are two fire hydrants sprayed at the same time;

- Apartment buildings and mixed-use apartment buildings must ensure fire safety regulations according to QCVN 06:2021/BXD

Hệ thống phòng cháy chữa cháy tại chung cư gồm những gì

3. Fire extinguisher

Fire extinguishers are quite effective on-site firefighting tools that can quickly handle small fires or handle temporary fires before the fire department appears on the scene.

Hệ thống phòng cháy chữa cháy tại chung cư gồm những gì


4. Emergency exits and emergency stairs Emergency exits are a mandatory element and are extremely important for people living in apartments

5. Instructional signs All emergency exit signs are installed in the right location, in the right place according to fire safety regulations. In addition, the management board of high-rise apartment buildings must regularly train on fire prevention and fighting plans to ensure the safest and most effective fire fighting.

Hệ thống phòng cháy chữa cháy tại chung cư gồm những gì

How are investors responsible for designing and constructing fire protection systems in apartments? Fire Prevention and Fighting Law Article 15. Design and approval of fire prevention and fighting designs: 1. When planning, new construction projects or urban renovation, residential areas, special economic zones, industrial parks, export processing zones, and high-tech zones, there must be solutions and designs for fire prevention and Fire fighting ensures the following contents:

a) Construction location, layout of zones and lots;

b) Transportation and water supply system;

c) Arrange reasonable locations for fire prevention and fighting units in necessary places;

d) Estimated costs for fire prevention and fighting items.

2. When formulating projects, designing new construction, renovating or changing the nature of use of the project, there must be solutions and designs for fire prevention and fighting that ensure the following contents:

a) Construction location, safe distance;

b) Escape system;

c) Safety technical system for fire prevention and fighting;

d) Other requirements for fire prevention and fighting;

e) Estimated costs for fire prevention and fighting items.

3. Projects and designs specified in Clauses 1 and 2 of this Article must be approved for fire prevention and fighting.

4. The Government regulates the list of projects and works subject to design, design approval, and time limit for fire prevention and fighting design approval.

Article 16. Responsibilities of agencies, organizations and individuals in construction investment and use:

1. The investor carries out project approval procedures and fire prevention and fighting designs; Can only be constructed when the fire prevention and fighting safety design of the project has been approved; Organize inspection, construction supervision, acceptance and handover of the project before putting it into use. During the construction process, if there are design changes, an explanation or additional design must be made and must be re-approved.

2. During the construction process, investors and construction contractors must ensure fire prevention and fighting safety within their scope of responsibility.

3. During the use of the project, agencies, organizations and individuals must regularly check and maintain fire prevention and fighting conditions. Based on the above regulations, the investor carries out project approval procedures and can only carry out construction when the fire safety design of the project has been approved and organizes inspection and supervision of construction. , acceptance and handover of the project before putting it into use. Putting into use a project that has not been approved for fire prevention and fighting is a prohibited act according to the fire prevention and fighting law.

When an investor designs and constructs a fire protection system in an apartment building incorrectly according to the original regulations, will he or she be fined?

Decree 167/2013/ND-CP stipulates sanctions for administrative violations in the field of security, order and social safety; Prevention of social evils; fire prevention and fighting; prevent and combat domestic violence.

Article 36. Violations of regulations on fire prevention and fighting in investment and construction:

1. A fine from 300,000 VND to 500,000 VND shall be imposed for not having measures and means to ensure fire prevention and fighting safety during the construction process.

2. Fine from 500,000 VND to 1,000,000 VND for failure to design a fire prevention and fighting system for works that require fire prevention and fighting designs.

3. A fine from 3,000,000 VND to 5,000,000 VND shall be imposed for the act of putting a house or construction into use that does not ensure one of the fire prevention and fighting safety conditions for constructions that are not required to be used. Approval of fire prevention and fighting.

4. Fine from 8,000,000 VND to 15,000,000 VND for one of the following acts:

a) Construction and installation not in accordance with fire prevention and fighting designs approved by competent authorities;






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