What does fire protection equipment include?


What does fire protection equipment include? Do you already know the answer to this question? If not, do not skip the article below. It will help you to solve this problem

What does fire protection equipment include? Do you already know the answer to this question? If not, do not skip the article below. It will help you to solve this problem. In addition, there are many other useful information waiting for you to discover.

What does fire protection equipment include?

What does fire protection equipment include?

What does fire protection equipment include?

Fire protection equipment for apartments includes many other devices. Here we will take a look at the most important and useful devices.

CO2 . gas fire extinguisher

CO2 . gas fire extinguisher

The CO2 fire extinguisher is an effective fire extinguishing device. The bottle has a cast steel structure, the bottle is painted in red for easy identification. The top of the tank is fitted with a copper-alloy drain valve with a 1-way screw-type valve or a normally closed 1-way compression spring valve with a trigger at the top end.

The safety valve above works when the pressure in the tank increases too much, the valve will release air to ensure safety. The sprayer of the tank is made of a hard plastic attached to the valve assembly by a hard steel pipe or a soft hose. Inside the tank, there is CO2 which is compressed under very high pressure.

The fire fighting mechanism of this type of extinguisher is to reduce the concentration of combustible vapors in fires and cooling, because CO2 in liquid form when evaporating will absorb a large amount of heat.

Escape hammer

Escape hammer

This is a tool with a special design, users can use it to break the exit door when a fire occurs. To choose this type of good, quality equipment, you must learn about it as well as how to use it before you buy it.

In addition, on the escape hammer, one can add a number of functions such as flashlights, luminescent bars ...

Fire extinguisher for initial fire treatment

Primary fire extinguishers are usually gas and powder extinguishers. These two types of fire extinguishers have their own advantages and disadvantages and are suitable for each specific case. However, these two types of cylinders can handle fires.

To make the best use of the above two types of flasks, you should attend training courses on how to use them. So that when encountering fires, they can be used effectively to extinguish the fire as quickly as possible.

Anti-smoke mask

Anti-smoke mask

To be able to quickly move away from a fire with dense smoke safely. The main solution is to use a smoke mask. When equipped with this device, the user will be protected against the burning and smoke of the fire. Please equip and wear an anti-smoke mask to get out of the fire as quickly as possible.

This is because the mask is specially designed from good heat-resistant materials, has a smart and modern air filter to help filter toxic gases into clean air for users. So remember to equip an anti-smoke mask for the apartment to use when needed.

Foam solution bottle

Foam extinguishers are also a good fire fighting device. In this type of bottle contains Foam - one of the effective fire extinguishing agents. As you know, combustion takes place only when there is: heat, fuel, oxygen and a chemical reaction between the above elements. That said, if these factors can be prevented. The burning will stop.

The principle of fire fighting of this type of equipment is to create a layer of foam to prevent gasoline and conductors from coming into contact with flammable objects. Not only that, it also cools and reduces the temperature of the fire. Therefore, this is one of the effective fire fighting tools.

Rope ladder

Rope ladder

Fire rope ladder is an indispensable device in the escape system of apartments. It helps the person in distress to get out of a dangerous position from a certain height. This is an extremely necessary rescue tool. Everywhere, it is necessary to arrange a necessary number of rope ladders.

When choosing to buy a rope ladder, you need to consider whether the material is really sturdy. There are also many other fire protection equipment for apartments, you can refer to and learn more.

Conclusion: Now do you know what the fire protection equipment in the apartment building includes? If you need advice or buy fire protection equipment, you can visit: / or contact directly at the address at the end of the article:


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