WCW99,Indoor Flash Siren

Manufacture: detnov
Product code: WCW99

Siren with indoor flash
✔️ 32 tones, 2 volumes and 2 selectable coverage areas, Power supply: 10 to 60 Vdc, consumption: 8 to 14 mA. IP21. Red. Sound power 98dB to 105dB at selected volume, Coverage: W-3 × 7 (0.5Hz) or W-4 × 9 (1Hz), CPR certified EN 54-3 and EN 54-23 . Dimensions: 44 x 118 x 106 mm


Consulting hotline: 0944934114
Product information

° Low consumption 2 volume levels and 32 tones available 2 cover flash

°Available in red and white

° Flash sync


Voltage 9 to 60 VDC

- Consumption in alarm:

- Coverage area W-3-7 :

- Coverage W-4-9


12,5 mA

14,5 mA

Temperature -10ºC to 55ºC
Humidity 95%
Protection class IP21
Size 45 mm x 109 mm x 121 mm
Structrure ABS
Certificate EN 54-23
Number of certificates EN 54-23

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