Vertical shaft fire pump Model MVM 8-12 4kw

Manufacture: Mitsuky
Product code: Model MVM 8-12/4kw

Vertical axis fire pump Model MVM 8-12/4kw  capacity: 4 kW  head: 100 meters flow: 7.2 m3/h  price: 0917.911.114


Consulting hotline: 0944934114
Product information

Bơm chữa cháy trục đứng Model MVM 8-12/4kw

Parameters : MITSUKY PCCC Fire Compensating Pump

- Model MVM 8-12/4kw

- ELECTRIC MOTOR: 380Volts/50Hz

- Rotation: 2900rpm

- Cast iron pump head, Stainless steel impeller

- Stainless steel shaft.

- Head: 100 meters

- Flow: 7.2 m3/h - 100% new

- Assembly: Vietnam

- 1 year warranty

- Price: Contact 0917.911.114 VND

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