UNIPOS Fixed Heat Detector

Manufacture: UNIPOS
Product code: FD8010/ FD8020

UNIPOS Fixed Heat Detector


Consulting hotline: 0944934114
Product information

Product information: UNIPOS Fixed Heat Detector

The fire detector provides reliable early warning of a Fire condition upon reaching a rate of rise of the temperature or fixed temperature threshold in the protected premises.
It is available in two versions (A2R or BR) depending on the temperature threshold in accordance with the European Standard EN54-5. The fire detector is suitable for premises with normal ambient temperature, without possible sudden changes.

Technical specification: UNIPOS Fixed Heat Detector

Supply voltage: (10-30)VDC

Duty mode current: 55 μA

Fire condition current

– with base type 8000 or 8000D: (8-25) mA

– with base type 8000R, 8000DR: (18-55) mA

Terminals: For wires with cross section (0.8-2.5)mm2

Degree of protection: IP 43

Operation temperature: Minus 10oC to 55oC

Relative humidity: (93±3) % at 40oC

Sensitivity: In accordance with EN54-5, class A2R or BR

Mounting: Using bases of series 8000

Dimensions (base included): Ø100, h 47 mm

Casing material: ABS plastics, white

Weight (base included): 0.100 kg

Protected area: Circle with diameter 10m, high 8m

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