Types of butterfly valves with solenoid control Autosigma

Manufacture: INGESCO
Product code: Types of butterfly

Autosigma electromagnetic control butterfly valve  ​​​​​​HSM-40BF / 50BF / 65BF / 80BF / 100BF / 125BF / 150BF / 200BF / 250BF / 300BF   English : ELECTRIC ACTUATOR BUTTERFLY VALVE  Imported hyoshin-Autosigma- South Korea


Consulting hotline: 0944934114
Product information

HSM-XXBF (Cast), HSM-XXSBF (Stainless Steel), HSM-XXTBF (Teflon Plate), HSM-XXHBF (High Performance) The corresponding dimensions are the same. APPLICATIONS

- Steam or water pipelines, Industrial machinery pipelines, Automation equipment, Sterilizers, Boilers,

- Conditioning, lubrication, medical equipment, vacuum packaging

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