Tyco UK Sprinkler Upright and Pendent Ty5237

Manufacture: Tyco
Product code: ty5237, EC-11, EC-14

Tyco UK Sprayer Head Upright and Pendent Ty5237 Contact 0917911114 for a quote Tyco UK Nozzle Up Ty5237, K Factor 11.2, Standard Response Type, Supply Fire Extinguishing System FM200, C)2... Prestige Quality Free shipping


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Đầu Phun Tyco UK Hướng Xuống Ty5237

Tyco UK Downspray Nozzle Ty5237 (TYCO EC-11 and EC-14 Series). Extended coverage extended and stand-alone sprinklers are decorative bulb sprinklers designed for use in light or common hazardous jobs. Designed for use in accor-dance designed automatic sprinkler systems with standard installation rules, such as NFPA 13, for a maximum cov-erage area of ​​400 ft2 (37 , 2 m2) equivalent to a maximum coverage area of ​​130 ft2 (12.1 m2) for standard cover age nozzles used in normally hazardous occupations, Tyco Nozzle UK Direction Down to Ty5237 coverage extends to the UL and C-UL Series EC-11 and EC-14 Series allowing their use unhindered or unobstructed- Construction of obstructed ceilings by definition and permitted by NFPA 13, as well as a list of specific applications for use under concrete tees. EC-11 Extended Cov-erage sprinklers have been tested to compare their performance with standard coverage sprinklers. These tests have shown that the protection provided is equivalent or more effective than standard coverage nozzles. Tyco UK Downspray Nozzles Ty5237 are coated with anti-corrosion coatings that, where possible, extend the life of copper alloy nozzles beyond the conditions that occur when exposed to the atmosphere. Although anti-corrosion coating nozzles have passed the standard corrosion tests of current regulatory bodies, this test is not representative of all visible corrosive atmospheres. Therefore, end users should be advised of the suitability of these anti-corrosion coatings for any corrosive environment. The influence of ambient temperature, chemical concentration and gas/chemical velocity should be considered, along with the corrosive nature of the chemicals to which the nozzles will be exposed.

The Tyco Downward Sprinkler TY5237 belongs to the EC-11 series of standard response type wide coverage sprinklers with a flow rate of K=11.2. Designed for use in low or normal hazardous environments.

Đầu Phun Tyco UK Hướng Xuống Ty5237

Tyco UK Downstream Nozzle Specifications Ty5237

- Meet standards: UL, C-UL, FM.

- Maximum working pressure: 175 psi (12.1 bar).

- Injection coefficient: K=11.2 GPM/psi½ (161.3 LPM/bar½).

- Nozzle size: 3/4 inch NPT (DN20).

- Activation temperature: + 135 °F (57 °C) Orange glass tube + 155 °F (68 °C) Red glass tube + 175 °F (79 °C) Yellow glass tube + 200 °F (93 °C) Green glass tube + 286 °F (141 °C) Blue glass tube

- The maximum coverage area is up to 37.2 m², which is larger than the specified 12.1 m2 in the normal hazardous environment and 20.6 m2 in the mildly hazardous environment. - Has a protective coating to prolong the life of the nozzle when using the nozzle in corrosive environments. - Plating material: Brass, Cr.

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