The skills to choose to buy escape devices in case of fire
Currently, in the area of Hanoi and the whole country in general, fires are increasingly occurring with a dense frequency. This is a sad reality because without methods to prevent, handle and resolve situations in a timely manner, the loss of property, health and even human life will be lost. very big.
Cũng chính vì tần suất xuất hiện hỏa hoạn ngày dày đặc nên có rất nhiều dân tộc hiện nay đã xác định được tầm quan trọng của việc mua các thiết bị phòng chống lửa, cháy nổ,… Bên rìa đó, họ cũng không quên trang bị cho mình những thiết bị giúp bảo vệ an toàn cho bản thân như những chiếc dây thoát hiểm hay mặt nạ chống khói,… Đây đều là những thiết bị nhỏ nhưng lại có thể bảo vệ tuy nhiên các bạn trong những lúc nguy hiểm cấp độ cao nhất. Theo thống kê thì hầu hết những người dân tìm mua các thiết bị này đều đang sinh sống tại các tòa nhà cao tầng, tòa chung cư,…
- Besides equipment such as fire extinguishers, etc., emergency wire is the top priority choice for many people because it is very easy to install and use. In particular, you can easily find and buy these products at establishments providing fire protection equipment, imported construction materials, etc. Basically, the length of an emergency rope will range from 9 - 100m, which means it has a height corresponding to the 3rd to 33rd floor. However, depending on the customer's requirements, you can choose a shorter or longer escape rope.
- It can be said that, based on the living conditions of many people, besides the emergency rope, you can calculate and consider to choose to buy other equipment such as anti-toxic masks, ladders to move, bags. equipment to help prevent and fight fires, explosions, fires, etc. However, the important thing when buying these products is that you must put quality first.
- Absolutely do not let the mentality of wanting cheap goods overwhelm you. Once you have purchased, you need to check and verify the quality, features as well as learn how to use the product. Especially with items that have been left for a long time, you should regularly check to see if they are damaged, and immediately replace them if you discover they are no longer usable.
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