Tesu N30 30hp diesel fire pump

Manufacture: Tesu
Product code: N30

30hp Tesu N30 diesel pccc pump Genuine import, 12 months warranty , Free technical consultation , Good price construction and installation , Contact us Southeast , provide pump price best 20hp diesel fire fighting , 30hp pump, 30hp teco motor , 30hp pentax pump


Consulting hotline: 0944934114
Product information

 TESU N SERIES (Thailand)

 MODEN : N30


Pump head brand TESU (IRON) (Thailand)

 MODEN: 4X4-170-25

Q= 2000 - 500 liters / min - Qmax = 2200 liters / min

H = 20 – 58 M - Hmax = 59 m

 Quality: new (100%)

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 Brackets and accessories processed and assembled in Vietnam

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