Summary of fire prevention and fighting measures with warehouses, production and business establishments


In recent years, along with the socio-economic development, the situation of fire and explosion has complicated and unpredictable developments, causing great damage to people and property. We can take a look at many big fires that took place in most provinces and cities across the country, bringing tragic pain to the people around.

To ensure fire safety for warehouses and production and business establishments, the Fire Police of provinces and cities always require businesses to take measures such as:

Promulgate and clearly post regulations, rules, signs, prohibition signs, instruction signs, and escape plans in accordance with the operating characteristics of the organization and agency. On escape routes there must be words in Vietnamese and emergency lights to help people easily recognize the way to escape. 

Summary of fire prevention and fighting measures with warehouses, production and business establishments

  • Promulgate and clearly post safety technical procedures on fire prevention and fighting to suit business, production and service conditions. There must be complete layout diagrams of technology, technical systems, and materials with potential fire and explosion risks.

  • Organize fire prevention and fighting training classes, and always be ready to fight fires for firefighting forces at the facility, meeting on-site firefighting requirements.

  • Develop and approve fire prevention and escape plans, and organize periodic exercises each year.

  • Equip and install fire alarm systems as well as fire fighting and rescue equipment suitable to the characteristics of the facility, ensuring sufficient quality, quantity and meeting good fire prevention and fighting requirements.

  • Design and construction of works ensures that there are convenient traffic roads, serving fire fighting and meeting fire safety requirements at the distance between buildings, in accordance with regulations, Technical standards on fire prevention and fighting. Equipped with equipment and communication means for fire alarm, alarm and fire fighting.

  • Escape routes are designed to ensure that everyone in the area can easily escape safely, without being covered by dust and smoke during the evacuation period.

  • Heads of organizations and agencies need to regularly inspect the fire prevention and fighting situation and develop a maintenance regime for fire fighting equipment according to the provisions of the Law on Fire Prevention and Fighting.

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