SStop Korean safety helmets

Manufacture: Hàn Quốc
Product code: SStop Korean

- Made in Korea. - Construction materials: ABS plastic with high strength and good impact resistance. - Specification: adjustable knob cap to fit the user's head. - Color: white, lemon yellow, red, gray, green, blue.


Consulting hotline: 0944934114
Product information

SStop safety helmets are imported 100% genuine Korea:

Beautifully designed in style, very sturdy to help users be comfortable and convenient when working.

Useful product to protect the head, optimize comfort when used in different environments.

Able to withstand high pressure in all jobsite conditions.

SStop Korean safety helmets

Dong Nam Company specializes in importing and supplying quality labor protection equipment at competitive prices in today's market. For more information, please contact directly 0917 911 114 for advice or you can refer to our company's labor protection list.

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