SRI KitchenShield kitchen fire suppression system

Manufacture: SRI
Product code: SRI KitchenShield

KitchenShield is a commercial kitchen automatic fire suppression system designed with the ability to quickly detect and extinguish fires with an environmentally friendly, more than 99% biodegradable extinguishing agent, The agent is not only ideal for fighting Class A, B and F fires, it also does not damage or contaminate kitchen equipment due to its oil binding properties.


Consulting hotline: 0944934114
Product information

SRI's system, which is imported, distributed and installed by Dong Nam Company in Vietnam market, always ensures the trust of customers, the KitchenShield SRI system meets LPCB standards.

Hệ thống chữa cháy nhà bếp SRI KitchenShield

Specifications of the SRI KitchenShield . system

Type 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Capacity 8 L 10 L 12 L 15 L 17 L 19 L 22 L 26 L
Capacity Cylinder 12 L 15 L 20 L 30 L 35 L
Number of nozzles 3 3 5 6 7 8 9 11
Weight per nozzle 2.6 L 2.5 L 2.4 L 2.5 L 2.4 L 2.3 L 2.4 L 2.3 L
Hood Length 0.8 m 1.6 m 2.5 m 3.4 m 4 m 4.2 m 5.1 m 6 m
Heat Detector Quantity 2 3 4 5 5 6 7
model SPS-KS014- CYL-12L SPS-KS014- CYL-15L SPS-KS014-CYL-20L SPS-KS014-CYL-30L SPS-KS014-CYL-35L
Extinguishing Nitrogen
Cylinder mass 9 liters, 12 liters, 20 liters, 30 liters, 35 liters
Pressure 20 bar
Sensor temperature 170°C
Heat detectors 180°C / 230°C
Activation temperature 230°C
Working pressure 15 - 20 bar
Actuation Manual / Automatic
System type Hoá chất ướt

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