Sprinkler Heads-Viking Sprinkler Heads,Sprnkler Tyco Nozzles


❌ Sprinkler VIking Sprinkler Sprnkler Tyco Supply of fire alarms Fire fighting equipment FM200 fire suppression system

Sprinkler are designed and manufactured for firefighting, are one of the devices used for water fire fighting systems, nozzles directly spray water onto the fire when the temperature reaches the prescribed limit, the system Sprinklers are currently being widely used in high-rise buildings, offices and karaoke bars. It is estimated that 99% of fires will be completely extinguished by the system when projects use sprinkler systems. sprinkler

Sprinkler Heads-Viking Sprinkler Heads,Sprnkler Tyco Nozzles

The structure of the sprinkler head is made from alloy and copper materials with a temperature sensor with a temperature system. On the current market there are many types of nozzles made by China, England, America and Taiwan.. The choice of sprinkler oil depends on the nature of the project and the purpose of protection. For normal factories, when there is no ceiling, people often choose the rotating sprinkler type because according to NFPA standards, sprinkler heads must be installed. parallel to the roof, so when installing a downward-facing sprinkler head, there will still be problems in spraying water onto the fire of the sprinkler head. For ceiling areas, we will usually choose the downward-facing sprinkler head for this purpose. protection of sprinkler nozzles located under the ceiling. Regarding the installation of all up- and down-facing sprinklers in the same area, according to FM standards, in areas with false ceilings, we must install downward-facing sprinklers. If the height of the false ceiling is higher than 800mm, it is necessary Design and installation of other fire extinguishing systems mounted on the ceiling. For types installed on the ceiling, we should choose the type of spray head that turns up because in this case the spray head turning up will be better.

2.What standards in PCCC does the sprinkler head meet?

Most sprinkler heads (Sprinkler Tyco, Sprinkler Viking, Sprinkler Protector..) are currently manufactured and certified to meet the standards of the International Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 13, (NFPA) 13D and (NFPA) 13D and (NFPA) 13D and (NFPA) 13D. NFPA). To ensure safer fire fighting and better asset protection for projects such as hospitals, buildings, apartments, offices, factories...

3. Structure of sprinkler nozzle


Sprinkler Heads-Viking Sprinkler Heads,Sprnkler Tyco Nozzles


The body is the part that makes up the structure of the nozzle. It is the part that bears the pressure of water when water is sprayed. On the nozzle body there are heat-sensing parts and water-tight blocking parts, lifting the plate is the control. Adjust water spray direction. The nozzle body is made of rust-proof metals such as copper, or chrome-plated steel.

Heat sensor

It is a temperature control part so that when the temperature reaches the specified threshold, the nozzle will operate. When at normal temperature, this part has the effect of holding the stopper to seal the water. When the temperature reaches the specified temperature, the sensor will release and drop the stopper of the nozzle. The heat sensor is structured. It is made of a glass bulb and contains mercury inside.

Block button

It is a part used to block water to prevent water from leaking out, and is blocked by the sensor to prevent water from being sprayed. When operating, the stopper will fall out and release water to spray out and extinguish the fire. Instruction sheet The guide plate is installed on the nozzle bar opposite the stopper where the water will spray out. The guide plate is responsible for dividing the sprayed water flow evenly and spreading the water flow over the fire area. The guide plate is the part that determines the direction of the spray head.

4. Types of sprinkler heads

– The sprinkler head rotates up

Sprinkler Heads-Viking Sprinkler Heads,Sprnkler Tyco Nozzles

Đầu phun Sprinkler Tyco Hướng Lên

– The sprinkler head faces down

Sprinkler Heads-Viking Sprinkler Heads,Sprnkler Tyco Nozzles

Đầu Phun Sprinkler tyco Hướng Xuống

– Horizontal rotating sprinkler head



Sprinkler Heads-Viking Sprinkler Heads,Sprnkler Tyco Nozzles

Đầu Phun Sprinkler Viking Hướng Ngang

– Đầu phun sprinkler định hướng tự động

Sprinkler Heads-Viking Sprinkler Heads,Sprnkler Tyco Nozzles

5. Operating principle of sprinkler heads


The sprinkler head will operate when the temperature changes to an acceptable level and will automatically turn on the water and spray directly onto the fire. The operating temperature of the sprinkler head is fixed on each type of sprinkler head. The operating principle of the sprinkler head is based on the melting expansion when exposed to high temperatures of the glass bulb inside the sprinkler head, which is pushed out with high pressure and the water flow is directed by the guide plate on the sprinkler head. will affect the fire to control and extinguish it. Normally, people use spray heads that turn down to direct the water flow directly down to the fire or sprinklers that direct the water flow up and then back to the fire. There are only a few. A certain number of nozzles operate when there is a fire due to the pump system's response and safety standards. The system only operates when there is a relatively limited temperature change to minimize false activation. The sprinkler head has a temperature that is activated according to the color on the glass bulb of the sprinkler head. The corresponding activation temperature is a key factor in the operation of the operating system. Control the system according to the requirements. For residential areas that require high safety, people often use quick response sprinklers. Each sprinkler nozzle operates independently when the heat level reaches the activation temperature. The number of sprinkler nozzles that can be activated is limited so that only those nozzles near the fire operate and help maintain pressure. water at sprinklers near the fire.



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