Smoke Detectors Hochiki Supply

Manufacture: Naffco
Product code: Smoke Detectors Hochiki Supply

Naffco Ul/FM/ULC Smoke Detector - Smoke Detector is a smoke detector made in the UAE 100% Genuine, Unlimited supply, Guaranteed genuine, Please contact 0917 911 114 for advice Free consultation 24/7


Consulting hotline: 0944934114
Product information

Naffco Ul/FM/ULC Smoke Detectors, SHIELD cinema smoke detectors operate on the principle of light scattering and are ideal for applications where a slow or smoldering fire is likely.

Responds well to slow, smoldering fires Very suitable for bedrooms and escape routes

Unaffected by atmospheric pressure

Đầu Báo Khói Naffco Ul/FM/ULC-Cung Cấp Đầu Báo Khói Hochiki

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