Sewong sprinkler heads up SWU-1 and SWU-2

Manufacture: Sewoong
Product code: SWU-1 và SWU-2

Origin: Korea ✔️
✅ Condition: new 100 , Heat-expanding liquid (mixture of glycerol or ether) , Sealed and sealed on special glass to prevent fire .When the temperature rises because Heat, the liquid in the glass bulb expands and the glass sphere is broken. . This is an upward sprinkler to discharge water to put out fire , Catalog of Sprinkler Tyco nozzles , What is a Sprinkler head . Sprinkler head expansion temperature . .Price of Tyco sprinkler heads , Catalog of sprinkler heads , Types of sprinkler heads , Radius of sprinkler heads . Sprinkler head covers


Consulting hotline: 0944934114
Product information


Descriptions SWU-1 SWU-2
Explosion temperature 68˚C 93˚C
Environment temperature 39˚C 56˚C
Color Red green
React Early Response Type / Standard Response Type
Direction Upright (Loại thẳng hàng)
Size PT1 / 2 "(15A)
 K Ø11.2
Injection pressure 80 LMP (1kg / ㎠ -1 phút)
Pressure 2,5Mpa
Structor Brass Forging (Forged Brass)
Surface plating Nickel - Chrome Plated (Ni-Cr Plate)

Assembly instruction drawing

Đầu phun sprinkler Sewoong hướng lên SWU-1 và SWU-2

Đầu phun sprinkler Sewoong hướng lên SWU-1 và SWU-2


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