Safety conditions for fire prevention and fighting equipment in residential areas


Regulations on fire prevention and fighting in residential areas are always important issues, always setting requirements on fire prevention and fighting and issuing regulations on fire prevention and fighting according to the list of fire prevention and fighting inspection according to Decree 136 and Article 8 of Decree 79/ 2014 law amending and supplementing the law on fire prevention and fighting

To properly implement safety conditions for fire prevention and fighting equipment in residential areas, we need to rely on Article 8 of Decree 79/2014 amending and supplementing the law on fire prevention and fighting safety, Decree 136/2020 also stipulates clearly defined, so to do this well, you need to carry out the following procedures.

Safety conditions for fire prevention and fighting equipment in residential areas

Điều kiện an toàn thiết bị phòng cháy chữa cháy khu dân cư (công tác huấn luyện thường xuyê)

1. There are regulations and rules on fire prevention and fighting, on the use of electricity, the use of fire and flammable and explosive substances; There are prohibition signs, signs, diagrams or instruction signs on fire prevention and fighting and escape appropriate to the characteristics of the residential area.

2. Have a design and must be approved for fire prevention and fighting design for newly built residential areas.

3. The electrical system ensures safety standards for fire prevention and fighting.

4. Have a transportation system, water sources for fire fighting, solutions to prevent the spread of fire, and fire prevention and fighting means that ensure quantity and quality according to standards and technical regulations on fire prevention and fighting or according to regulations of the Ministry of Public Security. 

5. Have a firefighting and escape plan approved by a competent authority according to the provisions of Article 21 of this Decree.

6. Have a civil defense force that is trained in fire prevention and fighting skills and is permanently organized to be ready to fight fires to meet on-site fire fighting requirements.

7. Have records of management and monitoring of fire prevention and fighting activities according to regulations of the Ministry of Public Security. In addition to the general regulations required and in order to have safe conditions for fire prevention and fighting equipment in residential areas, residents must always be vigilant and prevent unusual fire and explosion situations, ensuring that all timely fire prevention and fighting.


>>>>Safety conditions for fire prevention and fighting for establishments>>


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