Regulations on the number of locations to place fire extinguishers on cars


According to Circular 57/2015/TT-BCA amended and supplemented according to the fire prevention and fighting law for motor vehicles for Circular 148/2020/TT-BCA issued by BCA Vietnam


Quy định số lượng vị trí đặt bình chữa cháy trên xe ô tô

Quy định số lượng vị trí đặt bình chữa cháy trên xe ô tô

- What is the regulation on the number of positions for fire extinguishers on cars? Let's refer to the PCC law issued as follows - Pursuant to the Law on Fire Prevention and Fighting dated June 29, 2001; Law amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Law on Fire Prevention and Fighting dated November 22, 2013; - Pursuant to the Road Traffic Law dated November 13, 2008; - Pursuant to Decree No. 01/2018/ND-CP dated August 6, 2018 of the Government regulating the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the Ministry of Public Security; - Pursuant to Decree No. 42/2020/ND-CP dated April 8, 2020 regulating the List of dangerous goods, transportation of dangerous goods by road motor vehicles and transportation of dangerous goods on inland waterways; - Pursuant to Decree No. 136/2020/ND-CP dated November 24, 2020 of the Government detailing a number of articles and measures to implement the Law on Fire Prevention and Fighting and the Law amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Law on Fire Prevention and Fighting; - At the request of the Director of the Police Department of Fire Prevention, Fighting and Rescue; - The Minister of Public Security promulgates a Circular amending and supplementing a number of articles of Circular No. 57/2015/TT-BCA dated October 26, 2015 of the Minister of Public Security guiding on equipping fire prevention equipment and fire fighting for road motor vehicles. - Article 1. Amending and supplementing a number of articles of Circular No. 57/2015/TT-BCA dated October 26, 2015 of the Minister of Public Security guiding on equipping fire prevention and fighting equipment for vehicles motorized road vehicles (hereinafter referred to as Circular No. 57/2015/TT-BCA) 1. Replace the phrase ''cars with 04 seats or more'' in Clause 1, Article 1 and Clause 1, Article 4 with the phrase ''cars with more than 09 seats''. 2. Replace the phrase ''Decree No. 104/2009/ND-CP'' in Clause 2, Article 4 with the phrase ''Decree No. 42/2020/ND-CP''. 3. Replace Appendix I - List and norms of fire prevention and fighting equipment for road motor vehicles specified in Clause 1, Article 6 of Circular No. 57/2015/TT-BCA with Appendix I - List and norms of fire prevention and fighting equipment for road motor vehicles issued together with this Circular. 4. Replace Appendix II - List and norms of fire prevention and fighting equipment for road motor vehicles transporting substances and goods at risk of fire and explosion specified in Clause 2, Article 6 Circular No. 57/2015/TT-BCA in Appendix II - List and norms of fire prevention and fighting equipment for road motor vehicles transporting goods at risk of fire and explosion issued together with this Circular. 5. Amend and supplement Article 7 as follows: “Article 7. Inspection of fire prevention and fighting equipment Fire prevention and fighting equipment equipped for road motor vehicles is inspected according to the provisions of Article 38 of Decree No. 136/2020/ND-CP dated November 24, 2020 of the Government. details a number of articles and measures to implement the Law on Fire Prevention and Fighting and the Law amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Law on Fire Prevention and Fighting.” Article 2. Effect and responsibility for implementation 1. This Circular takes effect from February 20, 2021. 2. Responsibility for implementation: a) The Director of the Fire Prevention, Fighting and Rescue Police Department is responsible for guiding, inspecting and urging the implementation of this Circular; b) The Traffic Police Force, within the scope of its functions, tasks, powers and assigned authority, is responsible for directing, inspecting and handling violations of regulations on equipping fire prevention and fighting equipment. for road motor vehicles according to the provisions of law;

c) Provincial and centrally run city police are responsible for: Instruct, inspect and periodically report at the end of November every year to the Ministry of Public Security (through the Fire Prevention, Fighting and Rescue Police Department) on the implementation of instructions on equipping fire prevention and fighting equipment. fire on road motor vehicles within the scope of management; Synthesize proposals and recommendations to amend and supplement the list and norms of fire prevention and fighting equipment for road motor vehicles under the scope of management and report to the Ministry of Public Security (through the Department of Public Security). Fire prevention, fighting and rescue police); d) Heads of units under the Ministry, Directors of Police of provinces and centrally run cities and relevant organizations and individuals are responsible for implementing this Circular.

- During the implementation of this Circular, if there are any difficulties or problems, the Police of relevant units, localities, agencies, organizations and individuals shall report to the Ministry of Public Security (through the Police Department of the Police Department). fire, firefighting and rescue) for timely guidance./

- The following are the regulations on the number of positions for placing fire extinguishers on cars, including which types of motor vehicles? How many must be installed?

STTLoại phương tiệnDanh mục, định mức trang bị
Bình bột chữa cháy xách tay có khối lượng chất chữa cháy không nhỏ hơn 2 kg hoặc bình khí chữa cháy CO2 xách tay có khối lượng chất chữa cháy không nhỏ hơn 2 kg hoặc bình chữa cháy gốc nước xách tay có dung tích chất chữa cháy không nhỏ hơn 3 lítBình bột chữa cháy xách tay có khối lượng chất chữa cháy không nhỏ hơn 4 kg hoặc bình khí chữa cháy CO2 xách tay có khối lượng chất chữa cháy không nhỏ hơn 5 kg hoặc bình chữa cháy gốc nước xách tay có dung tích chất chữa cháy không nhỏ hơn 6 lítĐèn pin cầm tay
1Ô tô trên 09 chỗ ngồi   
1.1Ô tô từ 10 đến 30 chỗ ngồi2 bình 1 chiếc
1.2Ô tô trên 30 chỗ ngồi02 bình01 bình1 chiếc
2Rơ moóc hoặc sơ mi rơ moóc chở khách được kéo bởi xe ô tô, máy kéo01 bình02 bình1 chiếc



(Ban hành kèm theo Thông tư số 148/2020/TT-BCA, ngày 31/12/2020 của Bộ trưởng Bộ Công an)

STTLoại hàng hóa nguy hiểm về cháy, nổ vận chuyển bằng phương tiện giao thông cơ giới đường bộDanh mục, định mức trang bị
Bình bột chữa cháy xách tay có khối lượng chất chữa cháy không nhỏ hơn 4 kgKìm cộng lực (Chiều dài tối thiểu 600 mm; cắt được sắt có đường kính tối thiểu Ø10 mm)Búa (Khối lượng đầu búa tối thiểu 1,25 kg)Xà beng (Bằng thép, bề mặt sơn tĩnh điện; có chiều dài tối thiểu 750 mm; một đầu dẹt và một đầu cong để nâng, bẩy vật nặng)Đèn pin phòng nổ cầm tay
1Loại 1. Chất nổ và vật phẩm dễ nổ     
1.1Phương tiện vận chuyển có trọng tải dưới 5 tấn02 bình1 chiếc1 chiếc1 chiếc1 chiếc
1.2Phương tiện vận chuyển có trọng tải từ 5 tấn trở lên03 bình1 chiếc1 chiếc1 chiếc1 chiếc
2Loại 2. Khí (khí dễ cháy; khí không dễ cháy, không độc hại; khí độc hại)     

Phương tiện vận chuyển có trọng tải dưới 5 tấn

02 bình1 chiếc1 chiếc1 chiếc1 chiếc
2.2Phương tiện vận chuyển có trọng tải từ 5 tấn trở lên03 bình1 chiếc1 chiếc1 chiếc1 chiếc
3Loại 3. Chất lỏng dễ cháy và chất nổ lỏng khử nhạy     
3.1Phương tiện vận chuyển có trọng tải dưới 5 tấn02 bình1 chiếc1 chiếc1 chiếc1 chiếc
3.2Phương tiện vận chuyển có trọng tải từ 5 tấn trở lên03 bình1 chiếc1 chiếc1 chiếc1 chiếc
4Loại 4. (Chất rắn dễ cháy, chất tự phản ứng và chất nổ rắn được ngâm trong chất lỏng hoặc bị khử nhạy; chất có khả năng tự bốc cháy; chất khi tiếp xúc với nước tạo ra khí dễ cháy)     
4.1Phương tiện vận chuyển có trọng tải dưới 5 tấn02 bình1 chiếc1 chiếc1 chiếc1 chiếc
4.2Phương tiện vận chuyển có trọng tải từ 5 tấn trở lên03 bình1 chiếc1 chiếc1 chiếc1 chiếc
5Loại 9: Các chất và hàng nguy hiểm khác     
5.1Phương tiện vận chuyển có trọng tải dưới 5 tấn01 bình1 chiếc1 chiếc1 chiếc1 chiếc
5.2Phương tiện vận chuyển có trọng tải từ 5 tấn trở lên02 bình1 chiếc1 chiếc1 chiếc1 chiếc

Regulations on the weight of fire extinguishers on cars Besides the type, the weight of fire extinguishers for cars also has many different weights and capacities. Take for example: Mini fire extinguishers with types: 500 ml, 1,000 ml... Medium-sized fire extinguishers with types: 1 kg, 2 kg... Large fire extinguishers with types: 4 kg, 6 kg... This weight cannot be chosen arbitrarily but depends on the specific vehicle type. Specifically, vehicle owners are equipped with fire extinguishers with weight or capacity according to the corresponding regulations as follows: Cars from 4 to 9 seats: Choose 1 tank under 4 kg or under 5 liters (can be omitted because current law is not required). Cars with 10 - 15 seats: Choose a tank weighing from 4 kg - 6 kg (or from 5 liters - 9 liters). Cars from 16 - 30 seats: Choose 2 tanks including 1 tank under 4 kg (or under 5 liters) and 1 tank from 4 kg - 6 kg (or from 5 liters - 9 liters). Cars with over 30 seats: Need 3 tanks including 1 tank under 4 kg (or under 5 liters) and 2 tanks from 4 kg - 6 kg (or from 5 liters - 9 liters). Do not leave the fire extinguisher in high temperature places If the ambient temperature is high and exceeds the fire extinguisher's limit, it will cause the volume of fire extinguishing agent in the tank to increase, causing a serious fire and explosion. Therefore, be careful not to place the fire extinguisher in places with high temperatures or places susceptible to direct sunlight such as dashboards, trays/storage compartments in the front seat area. This is intended to ensure maximum safety.

Quy định số lượng vị trí đặt bình chữa cháy trên xe ô tô

Place fire extinguishers within reach of the driver

Fire extinguishers need to be placed in the closest places within reach of the driver so that they can be handled as quickly as possible if a fire accidentally occurs. Specifically, according to advice from Volvo, the ideal location for a fire extinguisher in a car is under the driver's seat or in the footrest of the passenger seat (the passenger seat is right next to the driver's seat). Fire extinguishers should not be placed in the footrest of the driver's seat because it will cause trouble when controlling the accelerator/brake/clutch, making it more dangerous.

Limit moving fire extinguishers in the vehicle

During the process of preserving the fire extinguisher, limit moving the fire extinguisher to different locations. In case it is necessary to relocate, do so gently, avoid strong impact because it can cause the pressure in the tank to increase, easily causing a strong fire or explosion inside the vehicle.

Regulations on how to use fire extinguishers on cars

- How to use a standard mini fire extinguisher in a car

- When a fire occurs on the vehicle, the fire extinguisher needs to be used according to standard regulations including the following steps:

Step 1: Gently shake the jar so that the burning substance is mixed evenly

Step 2: Remove the lid or protective lock on the bottle mouth

Step 3: Hold the tank straight and press the spray button on the fire until the fire is extinguished

Quy định số lượng vị trí đặt bình chữa cháy trên xe ô tô

Some notes when using car fire extinguishers

- When spraying a fire extinguisher, you should stand at least 1 meter away from the fire to ensure safety. At the same time, you should stand in the direction of the wind because borrowing the force of the wind will help the fire be extinguished faster.

- In case the fire extinguisher is gasoline and oil, do not spray the fire extinguisher in one place but spray around it so that the fire extinguisher covers the entire fire extinguisher.

- Immediately after purchasing a fire extinguisher, the car owner should try spraying a little first to test the extinguisher and understand how to use it.

- Pay attention to the expiration date and condition of the fire extinguisher. Specifically, powder fire extinguishers usually have a shelf life of 5 years. CO2 gas tanks depend on the amount of gas left inside the tank, which can be checked by weighing the tank's weight.


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