Quick response CHFIRE K17 242 fire sprinkler

Manufacture: CHfire
Product code: CHFIRE K17

CHFIRE K17(242)✔️
✅ Early Suppression Fast Response Fire Sprinkle are specially designed to deal with severe fires and protect high-stack and high-bay warehouses.


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Product information

The early suppression of rapid response sprinklers is a sprinkler that uses fusible alloy welding parts as temperature sensing elements. The sprinkler has a K=242 flow coefficient and a specially designed splash plate, so that the sprinkler can spray large-diameter, high-energy water droplets on it. A hemispherical water flow is formed below. This feature enables water droplets to penetrate the flame while cooling the hot air formed in the early stage of the fire, and directly cool the combustion body. Therefore, the nozzle has a special advantage for protecting high-stack warehouses.

The upright ESFR glass ball sprinkler is a large-caliber sprinkler. It is a main component of the automatic sprinkler system. It can be used to detect fires and extinguish fires by automatic sprinklers.

fire sprinkler head CHFIRE K17(242

The Specification of K17 Fire Sprinkler Heads:

fire sprinkler head CHFIRE K17(242


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