New Age Gallonage high-speed spray nozzle (gun type)

Manufacture: INGESCO
Product code: New Age Gallonage

Special design provides low back pressure Light alloy hard anodic construction  Wide fog straight flow  Pressure assisted discharge without shutting off  Smooth-acting Acetal ball-stop handle howl at extremely high range  Wide fog to protect operator  Anti-slip pistol grip finger lock


Consulting hotline: 0944934114
Product information


Model Size Weight

Flow @ 100PSI (7kg / cm²)


2 ½” Male Instantaneous

NH (F) Threads 1 ½” & 2 ½”

NST(F) Threads 1 ½” & 2 ½”

BSP (F) Threads 1 ½” & 2 ½”

N-CG-NU-01 1½" 2.3 Kg 100 400
N-CG-NU-02 1½" 2.3 Kg 150 600
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