How to put out a class A fire


How to put out a class A fire? It's something many people don't know. To know the answer to the above question, please come to the content of the article below.

How to put out a class A fire? It's something many people don't know. To know the answer to the above question, please come to the content of the article below. In addition, we also bring you many other interesting and useful things. And now we will come right to the content of the article.

What is a Class A fire?

What is a Class A fire?

What is a Class A fire?

Class A fires are the most common and frequent type of fire. Combustible materials are usually solids such as wood, paper, silk, fabric... Based on the nature and characteristics of this type of fire, there are many ways to handle this type of fire.

How to put out a class A fire?

So you know what fire A is? Now we will go through ways that can extinguish this type of fire quickly and effectively.

How to put out a class A fire?

How to put out a class A fire?

Use water.

Water is the first thing we think of when we encounter a fire. And Class A fires are no exception. When detecting this type of fire, quickly pour water on the source of the fire, the fire will be quickly controlled and extinguished.

The principle of fire fighting of water is to isolate the combustible substance from the oxygen in the air. In addition, water also lowers the ambient temperature. That helps the fire be dealt with quickly.

Dry powder fire extinguisher.

Dry powder fire extinguisher is a fire protection equipment with two main parts, that is the shell and the powder. The tank shell is made of good quality steel material, extremely strong bearing. On the shell of the tank there is a lock valve, a safety valve and a nozzle and a few other parts.

Fire-fighting principle: When detecting a class A fire, quickly take a fire extinguisher and spray it at the base of the fire. When NaHCO3 meets high temperature, a chemical reaction will occur that produces CO2. As we know CO2 does not sustain combustion, so the flame quickly extinguishes the fire caused by solids.

Dry powder fire extinguisher

Dry powder fire extinguisher

Co2 fire extinguisher

CO2 fire extinguishers are one of the best ways to fight Class A fires. When spraying powdered CO2 gas at the base of the fire. This layer of gas will form an isolating film that does not allow the combustible substance to come into contact with oxygen in the air. Thus, the fire was quickly extinguished.

Another thing worth mentioning is that the volume of CO2 fire extinguishers is not too heavy and the usage is also extremely simple. So when a fire is detected, anyone can take a bottle and spray it at the base of the fire. Thus, it is possible to quickly control a Class A fire.

Use fire fighting sand

Sand is one of the most effective fire fighting materials. The principle of fire fighting of sand is to create a barrier that isolates the burning material from the oxygen in the air. In other words it is the asphyxiating effect of sand.

When a fire is detected, quickly look for sand around the fire. Pour sand on the base of the fire. Thus, the fire can be contained and extinguished. Fire fighting with sand can be done easily, and sand is also very easy to find.

 Use a wet blanket

Use a wet blanket

Use a wet blanket.

Cotton blankets dipped in water are one of the effective fire fighting materials. When there is a fire, take a blanket soaked in water to cover the base of the fire. Combustible materials are not supplied with oxygen and water blankets also help lower the temperature. Thus, the fire was brought under control in time.

The above fire fighting method is extremely simple, anyone can do it. With just a quick reaction, you can put out fires from bamboo wood, cloth, paper... quickly and effectively with this way.

In addition to extinguishing fire A, there is another way. You can refer to learn more. Remember to leave your comments in the comments section at the end of the article.

Now you know: How to put out Class A fires? Hope the above article has brought you useful information. If you need advice or buy fire protection equipment, you can visit: / or contact directly at the address at the end of the article:

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