GSC-365-L, Check valve, check valve fivalco

Manufacture: Fivalco
Product code: GSC-365-L

GSC-365-L, 1-way valve, fivalco check valve joint and groove connection  UL FM standard fire valve  Genuine imported fire valve  stainless steel structure, high epoxy paint 12 month warranty, nationwide delivery
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Consulting hotline: 0944934114
Product information

Valve standard:

+ Fits AWWA C606

+ Working pressure: 25 bar / 365PSI

+ Temperature: 0oC to 80oC

+ Bonded epoxy coating compound RAL3000

+ Grooved ends to accommodate ANSl/AWWA and BS . pipe sizes


The GSC-365-I is a one-way valve that allows water to flow in one direction and prevents it flowing in the opposite direction. This function is realized by a spring loaded stainless steel clapper rust with an EPDM rubber side and expanded copper coupling, to provide a long lime service and leak-free sealing. It is widely used with different configuration in injection systems fire water, fire department connection, pressure tank or by-pass connection, etc.

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