General specifications and instructions for use of fire extinguishers


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If we discover a fire or see smoke in our work area, the first thing we should do is raise the alarm. By sounding the alarm, we have implemented a safety system that allows people in the workplace to help people escape to a safe place. You may then need to use a portable fire extinguisher. It is important that you know which fire extinguisher you should use in each situation. This manual explains each type of portable tank and how to use it in an emergency.

Thông số chung và hướng dẫn sử dụng bình chữa cháy

Use portable fire extinguishers and fire blankets designed as fire first aid equipment.

Common types of fire extinguishers today

Bình chữa cháy nước

Bình chữa cháy là vật liệu phổ biến nhất và bao gồm các vật liệu cháy tự do như:

• Giấy

• Gỗ

• Rèm cửa

Bình chữa cháy nước không an toàn trước các rủi ro về điện hoặc chất lỏng dễ cháy như đun nấu dầu, dầu mỏ và các sản phẩm dầu mỏ.

Thông số chung và hướng dẫn sử dụng bình chữa cháy
Bình chữa cháy bột

Bình chữa cháy bột là loại bình chữa cháy đa năng chúng bao gồm các loại sau: ngọn lửa:

• Các vật liệu tự do đốt cháy như giấy, gỗ, rèm cửa, v.v.

• Chất lỏng dễ cháy như xăng, dầu diesel, rượu mạnh trắng, v.v.

• Các khí dễ cháy như Butan, Propan, v.v.

• Cháy do rủi ro điện

Bột không thích hợp trên đám cháy dầu ăn. Bột không thích hợp để sử dụng trong nhà.

Thông số chung và hướng dẫn sử dụng bình chữa cháy
Bình chữa cháy bọt (foam)

Bình chữa cháy bọt có mục đích kép và cung cấp vỏ bọc cho các vật liệu cháy tự do như như bình chữa cháy nước. Nó cũng cung cấp vỏ bọc cho các chất lỏng dễ cháy sau:

• Xăng dầu

• Dầu diesel

• Tinh linh trắng

Bình chữa cháy bằng bọt không an toàn khi sử dụng trên dầu ăn.

Thông số chung và hướng dẫn sử dụng bình chữa cháy
Bình chữa cháy CO2

Bình chữa cháy Carbon Dioxide bảo vệ các đám cháy có nguy cơ điện.

Thông số chung và hướng dẫn sử dụng bình chữa cháy
Bình chữa hoá chất cháy ướt

Bình chữa cháy Hóa chất ướt chỉ được thiết kế cho đám cháy Dầu ăn. Đứng cách xa nồi chiên sâu ít nhất một mét rồi mới xả vào nồi chiên sâu. Chúng cũng che phủ các vật liệu cháy tự do như rèm gỗ bằng giấy.

Thông số chung và hướng dẫn sử dụng bình chữa cháy

Use fire extinguishers for fires

Each fire extinguisher is designed for use on a specific type of fire. It is important to use the correct fire extinguisher to ensure that your actions are as effective as possible and do not further fuel the fire.

 Đám cháy Gỗ, Giấy nhựaChất lỏng, xăng dầuKhí, Propan,butan

Kim loại. Magiê, Swarf

Điện, máy tính

Nấu nướng Dầu & Chất béo




Bình chữa cháy Nướcx     
Bình hoá cháy ướtx    x
Nước bổ sungx   x 
CO2 x  x 
Bột ABCxxx x 
Bột BC xx   
Bộ D   x  
Bột L2   x x

Using  fire extinguisher how to be effective

Thông số chung và hướng dẫn sử dụng bình chữa cháy

Thông số chung và hướng dẫn sử dụng bình chữa cháy

* Water fire extinguisher

1. Before attempting to fight a fire with a fire extinguisher, it is important to check that it is fully charged (Figure 1) and that the safety pin is not bent (Figure 2).

2. Make sure you keep a safe distance from the fire and remove the safety pin (Figure 3). This will break the tamper seal.

3. Where to point the fire extinguisher nozzle: a. Fire spreads horizontally: Aim the nozzle at the base of the fire, move the nozzle across the area where the fire occurs. b. Fire spreads vertically: Point the nozzle at the base of the fire, slowly move the nozzle upward in the direction of the fire.

4. Squeeze the lever slowly to start discharging the extinguisher. When the fire begins to decrease, move closer to it.

5. Make sure all fires are extinguished; try to focus on any hot spots that might flare up again

* Powder fire extinguisher 1. Before attempting to fight a fire with a fire extinguisher, it is important to check that it is fully charged (Figure 1) and that the safety pin is not bent (Figure 2). 2. Make sure you keep a safe distance from the fire and remove the safety pin (Figure 3). This will break the tamper seal. 3. Where to point the fire extinguisher nozzle: a. Solid materials: Aim the nozzle at the base of the fire, moving across the fire area. b. Spilled liquid: Aim the nozzle near the edge of the fire and sweep quickly; push the fire away until the fire has been extinguished. c. Flowing liquid: Aim the nozzle at the base of the fire and sweep upward until the fire is extinguished. d. Electrical equipment: Turn off the power (if safe) and then point the tube directly at the flame. 4. Squeeze the lever slowly to start discharging the extinguisher. When the fire begins to decrease, carefully move closer to it. 5. Make sure all fires are extinguished; Can be re-ignited when fire extinguisher powder has been used.

* Foam fire extinguisher 1. Before attempting to fight a fire with a fire extinguisher, it is important to check that it is fully charged (Figure 1) and that the safety pin is not bent (Figure 2). 2. Make sure you keep a safe distance from the fire and remove the safety pin (Figure 3). This will break the tamper seal. 3. DO NOT handle the horn as it becomes extremely cold during use and can lead to severe frost burns. 4. Aiming at the fire extinguisher: a. Flammable liquid: Aim the horn at the base of the fire and move across the area b. Electrical equipment: Turn off the power (if safe) and then point the tube directly at the flame 5. Squeeze the lever slowly to start discharging the extinguisher. When the fire begins to decrease, carefully move closer to it. 6. Make sure all fires are extinguished as they can flare up again when a CO2 fire extinguisher has been used. * Co2 fire extinguisher 1. Before attempting to fight a fire with a fire extinguisher, it is important to check that it is fully charged (Figure 1) and that the safety pin is not bent (Figure 2). 2. Make sure you keep a safe distance from the fire and remove the safety pin (Figure 3). This will break the tamper seal. 3. DO NOT handle the horn as it becomes extremely cold during use and can lead to severe frost burns. 4. Aiming at the fire extinguisher: a. Flammable liquid: Aim the horn at the base of the fire and move across the area b. Electrical equipment: Turn off the power (if safe) and then point the tube directly at the flame 5. Squeeze the lever slowly to start discharging the extinguisher. When the fire begins to decrease, carefully move closer to it. 6. Make sure all fires are extinguished as they can flare up again when a CO2 fire extinguisher has been used. * Wet chemical fire extinguisher 1. Before attempting to fight a fire with a fire extinguisher, it is important to check that it is fully charged (Figure 1) and that the safety pin is not bent (Figure 2). 2. Turn off the heat source if it is safe to do so.

3. Make sure you keep a safe distance from the fire and remove the safety pin (Figure 3). This will break the tamper seal.

4. Hold the lance at arm's length, above the fire with its nozzle at least 1 meter away from the fire.

5. Squeeze the lever slowly to start discharging the extinguisher.

6. Use a fine spray in slow circular motions. This allows the wet chemical to fall gently onto the fire surface and helps prevent hot oil from splashing onto the user.

7. Completely discharge the inside of the fire extinguisher to ensure that all fire has been extinguished; Wet chemical formula helps prevent re-ignition.

Basic firefighting methods everyone needs to know ...TẠI ĐÂY

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