Fire safety in schools
School safety ✅ school fire prevention ✅ fire extinguishers, fire extinguishers ✅ The effects of a large school fire are devastating for staff, students and parents - deal with the consequences immediate and longer term issues of job loss, possible school relocation with parents having to travel long distances to send their children to school, closures, job loss, impact on local businesses - list It's a long time before the possibility of injury is mentioned
According to statistics, there have been about 2,800 cases of fires and explosions in schools around the world and in Vietnam since 2000. But today due to the requirements for fire safety and human vigilance. Along with advanced techniques of early warning technology, the number of fires has been significantly reduced.
General precautions against fire
- Given the order's requirements and FRA's findings, what are the basic fire prevention measures that must be taken into account? It is useful to divide them into three categories:
- Passive fire prevention measures
- Active fire prevention
- Fire and explosion safety management
- Passive fire prevention measures involve delaying the spread of fire and smoke through a building's floors, walls and doors; these also protect the structure from premature collapse. Passive protection is inherent in every building to some extent and is the foundation of fire safety; Whether walls and doors are 'fire rated' or not, they will delay the spread of harmful products of combustion. Fire rated construction (usually 30, 60 or 90 minutes) provides a higher level of protection but the integrity of these barriers must be maintained - fire doors fill the necessary holes in the these walls, that's why they need to be closed!
- Active fire prevention includes detecting fires and extinguishing them. Of course, the best fire detector is a human who can see and smell the smoke, feel the heat and hear the noise of the fire, so the best working system will be a fully trained firefighter. Every room is fully equipped with fire-fighting equipment.
- but this will prove a bit expensive for the average school! The range of alternatives is extensive with early warning systems such as smoke detection and automatic fire suppression, such as water mist systems in high-risk areas such as kitchen ranges or sprinkler systems. Fully automatic can minimize damage caused by a developing fire. The automatic fire detection system is perhaps the most superior system because it provides early warning to enable escape before the fire spreads and with modern systems, it can be easily managed. false alarm; Automatic detection can also be linked to hold-open devices to assist with easy movement around the school and prevent damage to expensive fire doors but are released upon operation of the detection system. detect and report fire. Compression and sprinkler systems are difficult to retrofit but are considered in new school designs.
- Fire safety management provides links between passive and active systems; Any good management system starts with effective fire evacuation plans supported by employee fire safety training and planned preventative maintenance of safety systems. total fire and explosion. Evacuation plans are required under the FSO with the RP required to make plans in the event of serious and imminent danger and to designate a sufficient number of competent persons to carry out such procedures, where they involve evacuation and performing safety drills. In practice, this means preparing an evacuation plan, dispatching firefighters (or police) to assist in implementing the plan, and arranging fire drills to practice procedures. Some schools believe there is no need for a fire brigade, however, it is important that trained staff carry out the sweep first to ensure there are no escapees,
- For day schools, fire evacuation is often a simple matter with all students and staff alert and able to respond quickly to fire alarms; Boarding schools, however, will have the problem of 'time before moving' counting heavily on evacuations. When alert, the time it takes for an individual to move to respond to a fire alarm in a school is often short because fire drills educate students to respond quickly and in an orderly manner - in a boarding situation there is There may be some delay in waking up and preparing to evacuate and fire safety regulations for boarding schools will be enhanced to compensate for this additional risk. Similar pre-move times may be found in schools with younger children or those with special needs and fire evacuation plans will need to consider issues related to risk.
- Special consideration may also have to be given to evacuating staff or students with disabilities who may need assistance to negotiate stairs and a Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan (PEEP) should be prepared and agreed upon. previous idea; it must be emphasized that the RP is responsible for evacuating all school users to final safety and that people cannot be left in shelters awaiting rescue by the fire service. Additional training may be needed in the use of special evacuation chairs and in the use of any emergency voice communications equipment that may be provided in evacuation areas.
- Fire drills are very important in all situations; drills should be carried out at least once a semester and at different times of the day - there should be an assumption that the fire has occurred in a particular location and one or more possible escape routes being affected causes staff and students to think and react to changing circumstances. One particularly interested school we visited held drills ten minutes before the start of school when parents dropped off their children to visit and greet them, children were playing and staff were less prepared for a drill. best practice!
- This is where fire safety training is an important link; The order states that appropriate and adequate training must be provided ''to protect oneself [the trainee] and other relevant persons at the facility''. Training is required at the start on basic fire safety issues such as actions to take in the event of a fire being detected or when a fire alarm is heard, the location of emergency exits and mounting points - recommended Advanced training for staff who may be required to act as fire keepers or use fire extinguishers provided at the facility.
- It is important to maintain a 'fire log book' where all testing and training is recorded; this should be kept available for inspection by enforcement authorities should they visit. FSO does not explicitly require the maintenance of such records, however, this is a simple method of demonstrating compliance if there are any issues.
What are the causes of school fires and explosions?
- Vigilance is not high. - Loss of electrical safety. - Firefighting equipment is not guaranteed to be safe. - Utensils and tools cannot be installed.. Methods to minimize fire, explosion and damage In addition to an evacuation plan, any school must have a fire safety policy that includes the following details:
- Overview of relevant laws and guidance for pupils and students
- Always propagate fire and explosion prevention to schools.
- Assign responsibility for fire safety to the leader.
- Fire safety layout planning policy including (Planned Preventive Maintenance (PPM) of fire safety systems).
- Fire safety training policy for employees upon recruitment, for employees required to perform additional duties such as. Police fire prevention and/or firefighting using provided mobile equipment and appropriate refresher training.
- Arrange fire evacuation.
- Means are gathered to put out the fire.
- The specific role of the fire foreman/police officer in the school campus fire plan
- Specific arrangements for evacuating people with disabilities including those with learning difficulties and the writing of a Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan (PEEP).
- It is also important to note the management of electrical equipment including items brought in by employees or other equipment users, etc.
How to effectively maintain fire extinguishers periodically?
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