Fire Pump Diesel Tesu N20

Manufacture: Tesu
Product code: N20

diesel pccc pump 20hp diesel fire pump , 15kw diesel pump , 15hp diesel fire pump , fire fighting float pump , fire booster pump , 15kw diesel fire pump , Supply unlimited quantity Limited term, Prestigious products, guaranteed quality, Contact us immediately when you have demand


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Product information

OIL engine water pump

May Bom Chua Chay Diesel Tesu N20, Giá máy bơm chữa cháy diesel 20hp

TESU N SERIES (Thailand)

- MODEN : N20

- POWER : 20HP

 Pump head brand TESU (IRON) (Thailand)

- MODEN : 4X4-170-25

- Q= 1700 – 500 liters / min

- Qmax = 2000 liters / min

- H = 20 – 50 M

- Hmax = 52 m

- Quality: new (100%)

(Start topic)

- Brackets and accessories processed and assembled in Vietnam

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